Wednesday 20 March 2019

Niche Fitness Studios: Why Are They So Appealing to Business Owners?

Photo by bruce mars from Pexels

The fitness industry in the United States is enormous, bringing in more than $27 billion each year. What’s more, the market continues to expand. That’s partly because more than 55 million health-conscious individuals in the US belong either to a gym or to one of a rapidly growing number of niche fitness studios.


Niche Fitness Studios Have Great Appeal

Millennials take their health seriously. Moreover, working out is a social activity for many of them. According to Rachel Kazez, a licensed therapist in Chicago, a majority of millennials make fitness a priority in their lives.

“It also seems like they try to make it more enjoyable and colorful, many being willing to spend money on memberships and specialty fitness activities,” she says. Moreover, it is this group more than any other that flocks to niche fitness studios.

Niche gyms are small, targeted studios where health-conscious individuals can find exactly the kind of workout they want. For instance, there are niche fitness studios that offer only yoga or Pilates. Another small gym might feature a line of rowing machines. Yet another could offer classes in high intensity interval training, otherwise known as HIIT.

What Makes Niche Fitness Studios so Appealing?

Health-conscious individuals often choose a niche gym because they feel more comfortable in the smaller space. They see the same familiar faces each time they work out, and a spontaneous camaraderie arises.

What’s more, in a niche gym, fitness buffs get to choose the specific kind of workout that serves them best. They have access to one-on-one training in how to use the studio’s equipment. Best of all, they get the expert help they need there to learn how to get the most out of their workouts.

Wouldn’t You Love a Share of That Market?

As an entrepreneur, wouldn’t you just love to muscle in for a share of that health-conscious market?

Well, you can. The fitness franchise company F45 asked us to write this article to let you know that it’s entirely possible that you could own your own fitness boutique with them. What’s more, it can be easier than you might imagine.

Be in Business for Yourself, Not by Yourself

When you purchase a franchise, you own your own business, but you never have to do everything all by yourself.

For example, rather than starting a gym on your own, creating everything from scratch, you can choose to go with an established franchise such as F45. There, you’ll find an already-established brand with a marketing strategy already up and running. Plus, you’ll get the training you need and help along the way to run your business right.

Moreover, their boutique gyms require only a small space. Therefore, your studio’s overhead will be markedly lower than a massive gym’s would be.

Own Your Own Fitness Studio with a Franchise

Of course, you’ll need to commit to your business and work hard to make it successful. But you’re already passionate about both fitness and your success as an entrepreneur, so you’re well ahead of the game.

So do your research, buy in with the right franchise, and plan your business well. Before long, you’ll have a cozy little niche fitness studio and a flock of loyal clientele.

About the Author

Carrol Strain is a Top Rated Premium copywriter on Upwork, as well as editor and on-call writer for the Business Opportunities blog.

The post Niche Fitness Studios: Why Are They So Appealing to Business Owners? appeared first on Business Opportunities.


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