Monday 25 June 2018

Go the Extra Mile with Your Sales Channel Partners and Get More Sales

Photo by from Pexels

With B2B selling, it can be a challenge to move your product through an indirect sales channel. In a typical B2B sales channel, you make a sale to other businesses. Those businesses in turn sell your product to an end customer. The challenge is to motivate the people who are your sales channel partners so that they sell your product instead of others.




Your Indirect Sales Channel Partners Must See Value

If there is more money involved in selling something else, your sales channel partners will most likely be interested in selling the other product rather than yours. This is why you need to be able to give them incentives. Motivating your sales channel partners in this way is far more effective than advertising your services. This is because incentives will provide value to them.


Providing Greater Value Requires Going the Extra Mile

You have to be committed to giving your sales channel partners greater perceived value.

For example, one possible way to do that is through training only a limited number of partners. Then commit to giving those partners all the training they need. This approach will help you to garner greater loyalty from your sales channel partners. That’s one way to provide more perceived value, and it will lead to more sales from your channel partners.

Click here to find out how more about you can go the extra mile.



Create Better Sales Tools

Sales channel training must go above and beyond the usual. Naturally, you provide training to your immediate sales force. This helps them to be more effective.

For your sales channel partners, however, you’ll need to provide more. For example, you need your channel partners’ representatives to get data sheets, sales video, testimonials, and sales scripts. Additionally, they will need spec sheets and brochures so they can learn in depth about your product. Armed with this knowledge, they will be more eager to promote it.

What’s more, if value addition is their primary sales focus, they’ll need to see how they can add greater value to your product.


Enhance Technical Support

Sales channel partners need to have greater technical support. It is your job to give them that.

Your sales channel partners enhance the product that you are selling to them. Because of that, they most likely will come across a few technical issues. Therefore, go above and beyond in terms of technical support. This is another reason why you need to maintain only a manageable number of B2B sales channel partners.


Establish Frequent and Meaningful Communication Avenues

You have to stay in constant contact with your sales channel partners. This is because it is crucial for you keep their efforts aligned with your goals. Update them frequently about your target markets, your base of operations, and any changes to the company that concern them.

An invaluable way to move forward is to provide a daily or weekly update for them. In this update, include information that they need to be effective. This update can also act as an incentive for them to stay with you. That’s because by staying in frequent communication with them, you provide them greater value. This alone can keep them from searching for greener pastures.


Provide Your Sales Channel Partners with Appropriate Incentives

Speaking of incentives, you need to have something that answers the question that is uppermost in your sales channel partners’ minds: “What’s in it for me?” You could have a points system that earns them points for selling your products, to give just one example. They can use those points to buy a gift or prize.



If you intend for your indirect sales channels to be effective, you’re going to have to take a committed approach. Go the extra mile and your sales channel partners will remain loyal. In the process, they will provide you with a lucrative and steady source of B2B sales.

The post Go the Extra Mile with Your Sales Channel Partners and Get More Sales appeared first on Business Opportunities.


Write an MBA-Worthy Business Plan That Will Lead You to Success

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom from Pexels

There are two major goals one might have when writing a business plan. That is, you are either looking to approach investors, or you’re making a plan for yourself to launch a start-up.

If you are composing a business plan for the first time, you might need some professional custom writing help. This will help you to deal with the task quickly and well.




Goal # 1. Composing a Business Plan for Investors

In this situation, you want to prove that the money investors contribute to your business will be used rationally.

To achieve this goal, your business plan should have some major characteristics:

Your presentation should be logical.

Your business plan should be clear. Further, you need to justify each described action, procedure, or term. If you have doubts about something, don’t include it unless you study this aspect in more detail. That’s because potential investors are going to ask you some uncomfortable questions. The clarity of your answers will determine whether those investors choose to invest in your company or not.

Be completely honest.

Describe everything in your business plan for investors with elegant language. Do not use negative words, and avoid using the word “risks” anywhere near your figures.

On the other hand, don’t neglect to write about possible challenges. Stress the fact that you will address each one with due diligence. However, do not make promises you can’t keep.

Express confidence.

Make the appropriate presentation and include supporting statistics. Provide examples of other enterprises that are similar to yours. Express yourself in clear and simple language.

Investors can be a head taller and a whole lot smarter than you are. So don’t try to hide behind big words, despite what we said about elegant language a few paragraphs ago. Being overly clever will only reveal your uncertainty and lack of experience.



Goal # 2. Drawing up a Business Plan for Yourself

In this case, the business plan is written solely as a guide for your own actions. This plan should be as close as possible to your actual situation. Additionally, it should contain a thorough risk-assessment. Writing a business plan for yourself with someone’s help will help you to save money.


Key Elements of an Efficient Business Plan

S.W.O.T. Analysis

The idea of a S.W.O.T analysis is to assess your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, both inside and outside the company. It should be as objective as possible so as to give the most realistic picture.

Here’s an example of a S.W.O.T. analysis:

Benefits of this solution:

  • The cost of production is low
  • Team will be formed only with the field specialists
  • The idea is innovative
  • The packaging will be attractive
  • Service will be impeccable

Disadvantages of the idea:

  • There is no personal retail space
  • The brand has poor recognition rates

Usually, opportunities and threats are combined together and divided into two levels. The first level deals with external factors. External factors are those to which the firm itself, its managers, and its investors are not related and cannot influence:

  • The political and economic situation in your area, country or in the world
  • Characteristics of the population in your region and its ability to buy
  • How developed the technological side is in the field of your action
  • What the demographic situation is, and so on

After studying these factors, move away from macro trends and approach realities related to the idea itself. These are usually derived from global phenomena.


  • If the technologies in your region are not developed very well, you can bring in certain innovations and get a significant market share yourself
  • You can count on additional investments from the state or other investors


  • Large customs fees for the import of raw materials
  • Strong competition in the field


Clear Goals

This part of the business plan is dedicated to what you want to achieve. This will be either a certain activity or the products or services that you are creating:

Mention the technological processes that you intend to use.

In this case, do not enumerate all the details. Instead, develop a separate application that will include all the consistent and detailed information regarding the technology the goal will require.

Clearly formulate, select and sum up the evidence for the benefits that consumers will receive.

Also, if you can, prove that what you are going to do is unique. This unique difference can be the lowest cost of production on the market, an innovative product, or something else.

Immediately indicate that you are not going to stop there. Stress that you intend to develop the business further. Show possible ways of developing the same technology or increasing production. Discuss attracting new suppliers or developing new methods of achieving your goals.


Marketing Plan

Once you’ve assessed the industry, the product and its place in this market, move directly to your planned promotional strategy. To do this, calculate the volumes of consumption and elaborate on the potential buyers. In addition, describe the levers of influence on demand. These may include price fluctuations, the launch of an advertising campaign, improving the quality of goods, and so on.

Also, elaborate on the ways in which you are going to sell the product. Discuss how much it will cost, as well as your advertising policy and other promotional details.

Specify how buyers will purchase the goods. Indicate whether sales will be wholesale or retail. Discuss the status of buyers. Additionally, evaluate the product in terms of its appearance and cost. Describe the tasks it will perform, its service life, its shelf life, its safety in operation, and so on.



Creating a good business plan is an excellent solution for searching for investment and developing your own plan of action. Use these tips, and your business plan will provide you and your potential investors with a plan of action that will serve your business well.

The post Write an MBA-Worthy Business Plan That Will Lead You to Success appeared first on Business Opportunities.


Small Business Essentials Your Company Absolutely Must Have

Photo by from Pexels

Are you planning to start your own company? If so, there are some small business essentials you need to know about.

First off, regardless of how good your idea is, be prepared for the challenges that will surely come your way. The US Small Business Administration estimates that half of all new businesses never make it past the first five years. Only about a third of businesses remain viable after ten years.

Make sure that your company does not fall into one of these grim categories with the following small business essentials. Work your way toward success instead.




Funding Your Business

One of the small business essentials that you absolutely cannot do without is money. For one thing, you’ll need money for every aspect of business development. Further, you’ll need to purchase equipment and pay your employees. What’s more, you must develop products for your customers.

Therefore, if you don’t yet have capital built up, consider applying for a small business loan from a private lending party. Going this route will be a lot easier on you than asking banks for financing. Plus, it’s a lot less awkward than borrowing from friends and family.


Building an Online Presence

Make sure people can check out your business online. If you don’t have a website yet, now is the time to get one. Even if yours is a brick-and-mortar business, a website is essential these days. Be sure to include your location and contact information, and spend some creative time building your company’s brand online.

To that end, establish connections with potential clients via social networks as well. Spread the word far and wide about your product. Also, try attracting new clientele with giveaways and discounts.

Additionally, encourage positive online reviews. Ask customers to leave feedback about your products and services online to accelerate buzz marketing.


Catering to Customers’ Needs

Obviously, your customers will be the most necessary of all your company’s small business essentials. Without customers, you have no business.

Therefore, once you have some customers, do everything you can to keep them happy. Listen to feedback. Customize products whenever possible. In short, define what people most want and need and provide that if you can.


Pricing Your Products Fairly

Compare prices online so that you can get to know your competition. In the beginning, it can be tempting to set your prices lower than your competition’s. However, such a strategy can get you into trouble fast. On the other hand, overpricing your products can also be a big mistake.

You know what your products and services are worth. That’s because you know how much it costs you to produce them. Therefore, target your marketing toward people who can afford to pay you a fair price.

In short, know what it costs you to provide whatever it is you’re providing. Keep your prices fair, and your small business will be more likely to be successful.


Providing Strong Leadership

What does it take to be a strong leader? As a business owner, it will be up to you to provide powerful leadership for your company. Learn to delegate, because you certainly cannot do everything yourself. Nonetheless, you will be fully responsible for everything in the company. This will include managing the finances as well as supervising employees. In short, you’ll be responsible for planning every aspect of your business.

There’s no question about it. Strong leadership is definitely one of the small business essentials you cannot do without.


Managing the Business’s Finances

As we mentioned earlier, money is without question essential to any small business. Even more important, however, is managing that money well. Therefore, establish rigorous accounting practices. This will help you to track where your money comes from and what you’re spending it on.

Further, set up a contingency funding plan in case of emergencies. You don’t have to be a professional accountant. Just use accounting software to track your income and expenses.



Developing a Profitable Business Model

Before you enter the business world, ask yourself, “Do a sufficient number of people want and need what I plan to offer?”

Once you have answered this question, you can begin to develop a profitable business model. A profitable business model is another of those small business essentials you cannot afford to ignore.

When you are developing your business model, consider the following questions as well:

  • How much income do I expect to bring in?
  • What will my marketing strategy be?
  • What are some of the possible obstacles I might encounter?
  • How will I develop a competitive edge?

As your business grows and expands, you will naturally adjust your business model to industry requirements and customer demands.



Keeping these small business essentials in mind as you begin your business will help you to stay on track as you grow.

The post Small Business Essentials Your Company Absolutely Must Have appeared first on Business Opportunities.


Mobile Marketing: Tips for Marketing to People on the Go

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Marketing is often used as an umbrella term to cover all efforts to get the word out. Because of this, it can seem as if all efforts and avenues are equal. But there is a big difference between a local newspaper and a national magazine. There’s an even bigger difference between print marketing and mobile marketing. Because of these differences, the marketing approach has to be tailored to the strengths and weaknesses of each medium.

Multiply that by a mix that includes dozens of media types such as these:

  • Newspapers
  • Websites
  • Podcasts
  • TV
  • Radio
  • Search engines
  • Social networks

Obviously, this list is not 100% inclusive. We didn’t list banners or sports teams or sponsorships. While they are all marketing, it is not the same. Ours is a mix of media and modes that must be analyzed in a way more commonly known as marketing mix modeling. This type of modeling allows a company to more accurately assess their marketing efforts across a broad spectrum of categories.




We know from such modeling that it makes sense for companies to increase their spend on mobile marketing. That said, there are more ways to do mobile marketing wrong than to do it right. However, knowing what to avoid is more than half the battle. Here are a few tips on what to do and what not to do when marketing to people on the go.


Good Mobile Marketing Starts at Home

Like so many best practices, good marketing starts at home. In this case, home refers to the home page of your company’s website. It is no longer just about website design. It is about mobile website design. Everything you are marketing to a mobile device ultimately brings a person to your homepage. If that page is not properly designed for mobile, you will lose the sale right there. And it will be exceedingly difficult to regain the attention of that potential buyer.

These days, you have to assume that a person’s first look at your site will happen on a mobile device with a screen of about five inches. No matter how good your site looks on a 27-inch desktop monitor, if it looks or behaves in an unpredictable manner on mobile devices, your marketing efforts have been for naught.



Avoid the Corporate Takeover

Your two-inch ad may be innocent enough on a desktop browser. But that same ad amounts to a full corporate takeover of a smartphone display. When the app or social media that a person was enjoying gets taken over by an ad, they feel powerless, frustrated, and indignant.

Remember that every corporate takeover brings the user a little closer to a people’s revolution. They do this by purchasing apps that don’t have ads and employing ad blockers on their browsers. They are perfectly willing to pay for an ad blocker. And there are many free ad blockers they can download and activate within seconds of deciding to revolt.

Most users don’t care about unobtrusive ads, however. They only start to care when the corporate takeover of their expensive mobile devices becomes too egregious. Once you turn an apathetic consumer of your marketing into an active adversary, you lose. They can fight back. And it will have a negative effect on your bottom line.


Don’t Be a Bandwidth Bandit

For the most part, desktop bandwidth is unlimited. However, mobile bandwidth is limited for most people. Heavy-handed advertising on mobile directly costs users money. And when they find out where that cost is coming from, they will not thank you for it.

Digital marketing agencies have seldom considered the effect their campaigns have on bandwidth costs and smartphone performance. This is because they create and monitor these ads on large, powerful computers with nearly unlimited resources. But those same media-filled marketing campaigns have a profound and deleterious effect on smartphone resources.

People are a lot more sensitive about smartphone performance. That’s because they have to make those pocket-sized resources stretch to accomplish more computing than they ever did on a desktop. The main resource people track moment by moment is battery life. Once they connect that drain to your marketing campaign, consumers will be quick to correct it. And they will no longer be in the mood for reasonable discourse.



Improve your mobile marketing effectiveness by providing a better mobile experience at home, avoiding corporate takeovers, and respecting the limitations of mobile resources.

The post Mobile Marketing: Tips for Marketing to People on the Go appeared first on Business Opportunities.


Increase Office Productivity with These Four Invaluable Tips

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If you want to have a successful business, you need to make sure that office productivity remains high. One of the best ways to do this is to eliminate tedium as much as you can.

Of course, it’s not always possible to avoid those factors that diminish employees’ motivation. Even if you would like to, you cannot afford to allow your business to go down the wrong path. Nonetheless, there are some simple things you can do to make your employees happier and boost productivity at the same time.




1. Rein in the Motivation Killers

What are the things that kill motivation in your employees? In other words, what are those things that stop office productivity in its tracks?

In order to find out, observe employees while they’re working. When you do, you’ll be able to identify problems that affect employees’ moods.

Some typical motivation killers are lack of organization, toxic people, and poor communication. If you spot any of these motivation killers, address them immediately. Don’t wait. Moreover, eliminating them will require a team approach, as you’ll need everyone to make the necessary changes.

What’s more, make sure that employees feel appreciated. Give them opportunities to advance and develop their skills. Offer additional training when it’s appropriate. In other cases, challenge qualified employees to take on new duties when you can see that they’re ready to do so.


2. Make Use of Gamification

There’s no surer way to kill office productivity than to allow boredom and routine to infest the daily grind. Here’s where gamification can come to the rescue.

Gamification refers to the practice of including certain game-design elements into the workday. It can include rewards and badges as well as rankings and leader boards. Incorporate incremental challenges, especially for repetitive tasks. This can help to make those tasks more engaging.


3. Set Goals and Give Feedback

Your employees will feel more motivated if they know what’s in it for them. Therefore, set some goals from the very beginning.

Then, talk with your employees about your vision for the company. Find ways to encourage them to buy into that vision themselves. Provide guidance as they set individual goals in alignment with your company’s overall goals. When you do, their motivation—and office productivity—will rise.

This works with short-term goals as well as with long-term goals. While you’ll need both, short-term goals can be useful when you need employees to accomplish something quickly.

Additionally, giving feedback is crucial. Employees need to know that someone is supervising them. Therefore, always acknowledge employees’ accomplishments. On the other hand, address behavioral issues such as chronic tardiness promptly. Nothing stifles office productivity faster than a coworker who isn’t pulling his or her share of the load.



4. Use Technology in Smart Ways

Use technology to your company’s advantage. Used well, it can increase productivity.

To this end, look for software solutions that will improve office productivity in your company. For example, check out for some help in boosting productivity in your office.


Office Productivity Affects Your Company’s Bottom Line

Office productivity is something you can learn to get a handle on by putting our four suggestions to good use. Then step back and watch employees’ motivation improve, office productivity rise, and your company’s bottom line begin to climb.

The post Increase Office Productivity with These Four Invaluable Tips appeared first on Business Opportunities.


4 Strategies to Improve Your Online Marketing and Advertising

Image Credit: greyweed on Flickr

Starting a business is not easy. What’s more, if you aim to make a success of your business, you’ll need to acquire skills for online marketing and advertising.

This is important because nowadays almost everyone has access to the Internet. Therefore, business owners must learn about online marketing and advertising. It’s essential for promoting a business’s services and products. Here, we share four strategies that will boost awareness about your business.




Rely on Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool. Learn to use it for online marketing and advertising of your business’s products and services. Marketing and advertising on social media will expose your business to vast audiences. The challenge then will be to target your promotions to those people who will be interested in what you are promoting.

Nonetheless, social media can help your business gain momentum in a short time. That’s because lots of  people will learn about your business quickly.

What’s more, online marketing and advertising on social media is easy as well as inexpensive. As a matter of fact, in many cases it’s actually free to use. Skillful posts on Facebook and Instagram, for example, can boost exposure for your business at no cost at all.


Reach out with Email

Use email to send direct messages to potential customers. Craft each email so as to be informative and useful for the recipient. In this way, your messages will be welcomed into those inboxes. Otherwise, they’re likely to go directly to prospects’ spam folders.

Your messages should include updates about your business as well as information about packages, discounts, new arrivals, and so on. Make sure you give as well as you get with each email you send out. In this way, you’ll begin building relationships with your customers. You’ll develop better connections over time. These valuable connections will lead your business toward success.


Turn to a PPC Agency

You can also use a PPC agency to advertise your business on the Internet. PPC stands for “pay per click.” What this means is that you agree to pay for each click that your advertisement gets.

There are a number of PPC advertising agencies. Among the best is Summon Digital – PPC Agency London. This agency has an impressive track record of helping businesses with their online marketing and advertising campaigns.

When you work with a PPC agency, they help you to design your online marketing and advertising campaigns. Then they earn payment from you for each click visitors make on your business’s landing page.


Make Use of Video Tutorials

Video tutorials make a compelling statement whenever you use them. They can be particularly effective in your online marketing and advertising campaigns. That’s because video allows you to communicate directly to potential clients and customers. In a video, you can explain your business and your products and services in simple and easily understood terms.

Additionally, use videos to share with your target audience about your future plans to bring them even better products and services. In short, video can improve your relationships with your customers. Therefore, it is well worth any investment you make in it.


Take Your Business to the Next Level

Use these four strategies of online marketing and advertising and you will take your business to the next level. What’s more, because you’ll be reaching out online, you will have the potential of touching every corner of the world. Just imagine. You could attract new customers from all around the globe.

The post 4 Strategies to Improve Your Online Marketing and Advertising appeared first on Business Opportunities.


How to Extract Multiple Invoices to a Single File from Scanned PDF Files

Businesses handle huge numbers of invoices on a daily basis. What’s more, organizing and extracting the information from those invoices is often critical.

A program such as PDFelement ensures that you don’t have to organize and list invoice data manually. This top-quality software allows you to seamlessly extract invoice data. It does this by automatically recognizing valuable details before storing them in the proper database.

A single processed invoice is priced at a minimum of $15. Automatic invoice data extraction software lowers this cost by more than $10. This can save you tens of thousands of dollars, especially if your company frequently handles large numbers of invoices.




Why Do You Need Quality Multiple Invoice Extraction Software?

The best multiple invoice extraction software has critical features for capturing details automatically from scanned invoices. Using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, the solution will identify prints and colored texts on documents. Then it matches them with information saved in the data center. Invoice details you can select from include date, digits, amount due, order number, vendor name, items bought, and others.

The system is engineered to accurately extract information from invoices with no glitches or errors. Reduced invoice extraction time and top-notch accuracy saves organizations expensive manual processes that take a lot of time. Companies are then able to have a streamlined invoicing and accounting approach.


How to Extract Data from a Scanned PDF File

With a tool such as PDFelement, you can easily extract data from your PDF’s. In the process, you can easily rearrange and organize data on your desktop.  In PDFelement, for instance, you can create a form template. Then you can extract data from diverse identical scanned forms into a single easy-to-use spreadsheet.

Step One

Open the scanned PDF form and directly drag and drop it into the program. Alternatively, you can simply choose it. In PDFelement,  “Open File” and then browse across the PDF forms you have saved on your PC. Upload the proper one.

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Step Two

Click the “Form” tab and then “Data Extraction.” Choose “Extract data from the marked PDF.

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Step Three

Create a template quickly by tracing all the areas you would like PDFelement to recognize as valid form fields. For example, in the sample below, we would like to extract “Time price” and “Total price.” Therefore, we noted the corresponding name in the Properties on the left side. As a result, the software will extract data from those fields into a spreadsheet.

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Once you have created the template, save those settings, using a unique name so you can easily remember the document for future use. Once you’re finished, click “Yes.

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Step Four

PDFelement supports extracting forms in batches.

Once you have selected the forms you need, click “Start.” This will begin the extraction of the data into a single CSV file. (If you like, you could simply drag the file into the open window instead.)

Then click the “add file” button. Add as many identical scanned forms as you would like.

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Step Five

End by clicking “Finish.” Then access and verify that all the scanned forms you needed to extract are intact.

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Click on the video below to see these steps in detail. 

How to Extract Multiple Invoices to a Single File (CSV)

Step One

Click the “Form” tab in PDFelement. Next, click the “Data Extraction” toolbar icon. This is similar to the last guide.

Step Two

Choose to “extract data from PDF form fields.” In the window that comes up next, click the “add files” button. Then add as many identical multiple invoices or forms as you want.

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Step Three

Click “Start” and PDFelement will extract information from each of the multiple uploaded invoices in seconds. It will then add this information into a single organized CSV file.

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Step Four

Click “Finish” to complete the process. Immediately review the extracted data.


How to Convert an Excel File into a Fillable PDF Form

PDF forms or tables aren’t always as fillable as you might want. However, you can use PDFelement’s automatic form recognition functionality to easily convert your PDF into a fillable form, quickly and automatically.

Step One

Begin by opening the PDF document you want to convert into a fillable form in PDFelement. Click Create PDF. Here you have the option of selecting a form template among other templates already in the system. Open the template you prefer.

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Step Two

You’ll want your form fields to be recognized automatically. Set this up by clicking the “Form” tab. Then click “Form Field Recognition.” This will allow the tool to detect forms and automatically create the fillable fields you need.

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Step Three

Right click on every button or field to select the properties that you want. You can set such characteristics as name, color, appearance, and others for the fillable fields. Choose properties and select as needed from the icons on “Text Field Properties.” Choose from among such choices as “Appearance,” “Options,” “Actions,” “Format,” “Validate,” and “Calculate.”

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Step Four

Once you have selected all field properties as you want them, click the “Close Form Editing” tab. Now you can begin filling the form. Or you can send the form to individuals for them to fill. When people you send it to have software for PDF Reader that supports opening a PDF document, filling the form will be easy and fast for them.

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PDFelement allows you in very few seconds to convert Excel files into fillable PDF forms, extract multiple invoices to a single CSV file, and extract data from scanned PDF files. Now it offers free and premium options, including the popular free invoice templates the company offers to subscribers of their YouTube channel.

The post How to Extract Multiple Invoices to a Single File from Scanned PDF Files appeared first on Business Opportunities.


Choose a Local Logo Designer Instead of Outsourcing the Job Online

Photo by from Pexels

Instead of working with an in-house team for design projects, you can outsource tasks to professionals who work on a freelance basis. Logo design is one of those tasks you might consider outsourcing, for instance. That’s because this is something you only do once in a while. However, there are reasons that might compel you to work with a local logo designer instead of outsourcing the job online.

If you are wondering why you should give priority to a local logo designer, these facts can help you make the decision.




Local Designers Know the Local Market

To give an example, a business based in Brisbane would find it easier to work with a logo designer in Brisbane for a number of reasons. The first reason is that a logo designer who is based in your own region will understand your target market. He or she will also have good knowledge about your competition. This understanding will help your logo designer to create a more precisely targeted logo. Such a logo would successfully sell your business to your target market.

Additionally, a local logo designer will understand the rules that businesses have to follow in your area. Therefore, they will be better able to ensure that your logo complies with regulations. Knowing local laws and regulations ensures your new logo will not deviate from set principles about promotion and design.



You Will Benefit from Face-to-Face Communication

In the digital era, face-to-face communication might seem unnecessary. However, being able to meet in person with your logo designer will help you. For example, you can get a closer look as the work on your logo progresses. Communication will be easier, too. You can meet in person with your logo designer to discuss your logo. In the process, you can help him or her to understand the changes you might want.

After all, you want your new logo to be as effective as possible. Being able to share suggestions after seeing the work in progress will allow you to get a refined product that will serve your intended purpose.


A Local Logo Designer Will Work in Local Times

Differences in time zones can create a barrier in communication. This can make it difficult to know how the project is progressing. On the other hand, while working with a local logo designer, you will be able to know when they are working on the project. This makes communication easier. Plus, you can arrange meetups with no problems.


Avoid Language or Cultural Barriers with a Local Designer

Another bonus of working with a local logo designer is that you won’t have a cultural or language barrier. These issues can slow down communication. A designer who can speak your language and share common cultural norms will understand what they should work on even before you assign the project to them. If you want to complete a logo design project quickly, this would be the best approach. Working locally will allow for a seamless exchange of information. What’s more, your local logo designer will understand your suggestions clearly.


Hiring Locally Makes Good Business Sense

Hiring is an important part of managing a business. One of the challenges you might have to deal with is hiring contractors to help you with different tasks. Some of the tasks you need to assign to professionals include logo design projects. However, these will be better done by a local designer. Hiring a local logo designer comes with multiple benefits. These include the ability to reach him or her quickly. Plus, the local professional understands the regulations and laws governing business practices in your area.

The post Choose a Local Logo Designer Instead of Outsourcing the Job Online appeared first on Business Opportunities.


6 Beauty Business Ideas That Realize Any Talent to the Fullest

Photo by from Pexels

When looking for business ideas, the beauty industry is one of the best choices to make today. According to Forbes, the beauty business industry currently makes about $445 billion in sales. Plus, it evolves with extreme speed.

Small brands are on the rise here. With the growing popularity of beauty services, opportunities within the industry are limitless. So whether you have a talent for styling hair, applying makeup, or organizing a business, you’ll be able to launch a successful startup of your own.


1. Body Piercing Service

The oldest earrings date back to 2500 B.C., meaning that’s how old the human love for body piercing is, at the very least. Today it’s an insanely popular service as people’s passion for self-expression through body altering grows all over the world.

Business-wise, starting a body piercing service is quick and requires very little investment. As long as you have the training and tools necessary, you can start working at any time. You can start offering your services online and work part-time before you build up to opening a parlor. You can also combine your efforts with tattoo artists and stylists to open a salon together.


2. Beauty Salon

If your talents are more of a business variety and you have a starting capital, opening a salon will be a great idea. You’ll need to secure a good location and launch a potent local marketing campaign, as the majority of your clients will be coming from the areas nearby. That’s why you should secure a location in a place with lots of recreational traffic, such as a mall. After that you’ll need to hire a few talented professionals and get salon furniture.

The majority of beauty salons employ fewer than ten people. Launching this business can be either your beginning or a natural progression after working as a private stylist or hairdresser. The beauty salon industry is growing steadily, so you shouldn’t have a problem with securing financing.



3. eCommerce (Beauty Products)

If you need beauty business ideas that you can operate from home, an online cosmetics shop is one of the best. eCommerce doesn’t require a big initial investment aside from purchasing the products you will sell. You can obtain these easily through direct sales programs and dealership contracts.

The most important element of your success in this field is your website. Your shop will need a top-quality, well optimized website hosted on a reliable server. You will also need to go all out on a digital marketing campaign, investing in social media and Google ads.




4. Personal Stylist and/or Shopper

If you love fashion, beauty, and helping other people build their personal image, being a personal stylist or an image consultant is one of the best beauty business ideas for you. This occupation has flexible hours. Plus, you can work completely online.

Being a personal shopper is much the same. However, this requires more of a personal involvement from you to actually make purchases on behalf of your clients.

The main benefits of this work are that it doesn’t require any investment or even specialized education. If you already have a popular blog and/or social media channel, you can make it a side business. Otherwise, start a fashion and beauty blog right away as you’ll need to build up a personal brand.


5. Personal Fitness Training

Becoming a personal fitness trainer is a clever beauty business ideas for those who love sports or want to monetize their passion for a healthy lifestyle. You can limit it to actual fitness training or expand your service to develop personal diet plans, exercise programs, and maybe even fashion advice.

If you plan to go that route, it will be best to become a lifestyle coach. You should also look into online courses on psychology, motivation, and life coaching, as these skills will help you achieve better results.


6. Beauty/Fashion Blog and Vlog

The simplest of the beauty business ideas you can realize without any investment is starting a beauty/fashion blog. You should do this regardless of whether you start a different kind of beauty business. That’s because a blog will boost your marketing significantly.

The blog will be an important element in building your personal brand, which is the key to success in today’s competitive beauty industry.



In short, if you have a passion for fashion and beauty, you’ll find a wealth of beauty business ideas just waiting for you.

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Building Trust: How to Establish Authority and Credibility Online

Image Credit: Olearys on Flickr

The “Seven Touch” principle says that you need to connect with a prospective customer seven times. Only then will they begin to recognize, remember, and trust you enough to commit to taking a next step such as a purchase. This principle is more of a guideline than a scientific certainty. However, the reality remains that it takes a lot to build up trust with customers.

Think of some of the most well known brands in the world. How many times have you heard the name “Starbucks” or “Coca Cola” or “Nike”? How many times have you seen that green siren logo, or that flowing red-and-white packaging, or that iconic swoosh mark? It takes repetition and visibility to build a memorable, trusted brand.

But it also takes reliability, quality, environment, and experience. All of these brands are known for delivering on a promise. You trust Starbucks to get your order right and deliver a handmade drink quickly in a pleasant environment. Coke products are classic, refreshing, indulgent (or essential, depending on your lifestyle). They’re also ever so slightly aspirational. Nike is active, driven, and accessibly aspirational.

In the digital age, social media and a curated online presence are helping brands build visibility and trust more quickly and with less investment than ever before. However, it does take some concerted effort. Here are five ways to establish your authority and credibility online.




Be Memorable

You need to stand out as the best in something. In a crowded marketplace, you generally niche down to achieve this. So, for instance, if you’re a hotel, you may or may not have the ability to become the best hotel in the world, or even the best in your city. But you could become the best for business travelers in your neighborhood. Or you could become known for romantic getaways with a view, or for quick access to the airport. Identify what’s unique about your business. Then double down on communicating that value to customers clearly.


Be Consistent

Remember that customers need to interact with your brand many times to recognize and begin to trust it. Therefore, be consistent in your messaging around identity, purpose, and value as well as your offerings. Communicate your brand identity through graphic styles, color choices, and use of a branded mark or logo. In other words, ensure that your brand has an identifiable voice. On social media and content platforms like blogs, post regularly and reliably on a set schedule as appropriate to the medium.


Be Omnipresent

Be where your customers are. To do that, invest in locations that your target customers frequent. Additionally, establish at least a minimal presence on other platforms that points back to more active channels. You might invest more heavily in a Facebook page, for instance. But you might also register business accounts on Instagram and Pinterest with links back to Facebook, if they’re not as active with your customer base.


Be Authoritative

This ties back into the value of being memorable. Remember that you’re working on establishing trust. Therefore, you want people to see you as the go-to source for reliable information, content, answers, goods, services, products, and so on in your niche. Again, narrow your focus to a more specific field so you can own the top spot.

For example, Oncotarget has established itself as the go-to source of peer-reviewed, scientific oncology research online. Their online journal contains more diverse medical and scientific research content. However, their clear positioning as the educated public’s go-to resource for oncology research is a wise choice of niche.



Be Valuable

People interact with brands in fundamentally self-serving ways. That is, they’re only interested in you for what you can do for them. However, you can use this reality to your advantage.

Use your online platforms, including your website and social media channels, to demonstrate that you have something to offer, something your customers need or desire. And, again, target that in a specific niche to become the only source, or the best source, of whatever that is. Share resources and information, create an experience, or offer a bonus or incentive. Make it worth their while to interact with you.



Customers are aware that anyone can launch a website, throw up a few posts on social media, and pose as a credible business online. Establish authority and credibility with consistency, including a uniform brand voice and messaging. Additionally, provide regular posts to build up visibility and longevity.

These steps will make your business appear more established more quickly. Lean into a specific niche where you can demonstrate supremacy and clearly offer the most value to potential customers. Deliver content and an experience that meets the needs of people who fit your customer profile. In this way, you will build trust and visibility. Further, you will cultivate their connection and investment in your brand.

You can quickly become a trusted, go-to brand by using this strategy.

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Monday 18 June 2018

5 Steps to Having the Best SEO Marketing Strategy for Your Business

Image Credit: Luis Osorio on Flickr

When you first start to grapple with it, search engine optimization (SEO) seems like the most difficult thing in the internet marketing sphere. However, once you understand how it works, it’s one of the easiest solutions for marketing your business. What’s more, if you want to succeed in business these days, you need to master an SEO marketing strategy that will get your business the traffic it needs.

Whether you are just starting out with your SEO setup or you have been struggling with it for a while, here are five steps anyone can take to achieve a superior SEO marketing strategy.




Understand Your Target Audience

It can be challenging to formulate any marketing strategy if you don’t understand who you are targeting. Therefore, when you’re coming up with an SEO marketing strategy, you must factor in the behavior and location of your audience.

Learn about your customers’ demographics, their search preferences, and so on. Your Google Analytics account will help you to interpret the responses of visitors to your site. You can then set objectives using your understanding of this data.


Perform Keyword Research

Keyword research is extremely important when you’re establishing your SEO marketing strategy.

Analyze your target audience to determine which keywords they are likely to use while searching for your business online. Then use an excel sheet to organize keywords into categories based on the personas in your target audience.

The Google Keyword Planner is a great resource for researching keywords. It shows the competitiveness of various keywords as well as their search volume. This will help you to understand which keywords are viable.

Other advanced tools will provide you with information about your competitors and their backlinks. For example, this list of the best backlink checkers from SEOJet will give you suggestions for excellent research tools. Use tools like these to come up with strong keywords.


Plan Your on-Page SEO/Site Structure

The next thing you need to consider is on-page SEO. This important component helps search engines to understand what your website is about. Valuable, well written content is key here.

Use the keywords you collected to build your content. Additionally, be sure to include internal linking and ensure your pages load quickly.

Set different keywords for different pages to avoid keyword cannibalization. This occurs when you use the same keyword on different pages.



Develop Your off-Page SEO Link Building

You also need to seek referrals and mentions by other sites in your niche, especially authority sites with good reputations. This is what is meant by “off-site SEO.”

There are different tactics you can use to get sites to link back to yours. For example, you can make connections in your industry. If people know about you, they are more likely to link back to you. Also, write great content that will encourage people to share.

Another great tactic is to reach out to owners of authority websites in your industry and offer to write blog posts for them as a guest.


Track Results with Hard Data

SEO does not end with posting content and getting links. You also need to ensure that your content is working as you expected.

This is where performance monitoring comes in. In your Google Analytics account, monitor traffic daily, weekly, and monthly. Keep a spreadsheet where you record on-page changes. This will help you to understand what is happening. You can also use rank checking services to check search positions.


A Good SEO Marketing Strategy Requires Persistence and Patience

Although it can take some time before results begin to appear, having a robust SEO marketing strategy will elevate your business’s search visibility.

What’s more, with good SEO your website will get more traffic, which will lead to more sales. The tactics we suggest here will help you to get started with SEO. Put them to work and you will soon have an SEO marketing strategy that will open doors for your business.

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Managing Staff Time off During the Summer Holiday Season

As the sun starts to shine, many employees start thinking about a summer break. But for business owners, staff time off during the summer can be fraught with difficulty.

That’s because summer can be a busy and profitable time for many businesses. However, it’s also the time most staff want to take a sizable chunk of their annual leave allowance.

Banning or restricting leave at busy times is legally possible. However, that will do little to nurture a positive culture. More likely it will lead to disgruntled staff. Some good employees might even decide to leave. But letting too many employees take holidays at the same time will almost certainly leave your business flagging.

This could mean delays in meeting customer orders and less efficient customer service. Moreover, disgruntled staff will have to work harder and longer hours to take up the slack.

Therefore, managing staff time off during the summer holiday season needs to be fair. Here are our five top tips for fair and efficient holiday management. Implement these tips to keep your staff happy and your business on track.




1. Develop a Clear and Fair Annual Leave Policy

Annual leave during the summer, especially during the school holidays, can be a contentious issue. This can be especially true if you have several staff with school-aged children. In that case, they might all be jockeying for the same few weeks off.

How you manage staff time off will depend on your business. If summer is your busiest time, you will have to factor that in to your annual leave policy.

Conversely, is your business is able to operate with minimum staff during the summer holiday season? If so, use that to your advantage. As a matter of fact, some manufacturing industries shut down for two weeks in summer.

Some Questions to Consider About Staff Time Off

You will need to consider the following questions:

  • Do you prioritize leave requests for those with children who need to take their leave during the school holidays?
  • Should you adopt a first-come, first-served annual leave policy?
  • Do you prioritize leave for special events?
  • Will you enforce any restrictions on staff time off at your busiest times?

Prioritizing one group of staff over another group isn’t generally conducive to good employee relations. A first-come, first-served policy is probably the fairest option. However, that option works in favor of those who are more organized.

No Right or Wrong Answer

There isn’t a right or wrong answer to any of these questions. The fact remains, however, that not everyone can have their leave request approved for exactly the same weeks of holiday.

How you handle holiday requests will depend on the size of your business. A small business with just a few staff can’t afford to have more than one or two people off at the same time. Bigger businesses can be more flexible.

Developing a rotation system for key holiday periods, like school holidays, is probably the fairest option. ACAS (the UK Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) offers good guidance on managing staff time off, including rights and responsibilities.


2. Plan Ahead with Staff Rotation Software

Understanding your staffing requirements and planning ahead are key. The best way to ensure you have your finger on the pulse when it comes to annual leave and staff cover is to invest in decent staff rotation software.

Good staff rotation software (such as Planday) will enable you to manage rotations and deal with leave requests much more efficiently. You can also set a limit on the number of staff who can be off at the same time. Choose software that has an app so staff can see their schedule at any time, check leave availability, and make leave requests.



3. Learn from the Past and Forecast

If last summer was your busiest time, then you know to plan ahead. You may have to limit leave requests. You might also need to offer flexible working arrangements to those with childcare issues. Perhaps you’ll even employ temporary staff to get you through the holiday season. Learn from the past and forecast so you don’t make any of the mistakes you made in previous summers.


4. Maintain Good Communication

Whatever your approach to staff time off during the summer months, good communication and transparency are paramount. Staff rotation software can help. If all staff have access to a digital holiday calendar, they can plan accordingly. When summer holiday leave booking is problematic, get your team to sit down and discuss the options.


staff time off


Involving your staff in the decision-making process will make them feel like they have a say in the solutions. Be prepared to think of alternative solutions. For example, if one member of staff gets priority on leave booking, make it clear that someone else gets priority next time.


5. Be Flexible About Cover

Consider hiring in temporary staff during your busiest times. This will ensure you have full cover when some employees are away on holiday. You may also want to consider offering more flexible working arrangements to anyone who has drawn the short straw and has to cover.



Plan, be clear on your annual leave policy, communicate, offer transparency, and be flexible. When you do, you will avoid the pitfalls of efficiently and fairly managing staff time off during the summer holiday season.

The post Managing Staff Time off During the Summer Holiday Season appeared first on Business Opportunities.


Smart Tips for Better Small Business Cyber Security

If you run a small business you need to start treating cyber security as a serious issue. On one hand you have increasingly sophisticated criminal hackers. On the other there are tighter laws and industry standards regarding the need to protect data. Therefore, putting more investment into your defenses is doubly important for you. Here are five tips that almost every small business should practice to improve its cyber security.




1. Assess Your Security on a Regular Basis

Regularly assess and test your company’s IT infrastructure. Ensure that it is as free from security vulnerabilities as possible. Perhaps you are worried that you could have some weaknesses. Or maybe you believe that your system is as strong as it can be. Either way, have an outside agency attempt to breach your defenses in a test scenario. This can provide a great deal of highly useful information.

This method of testing is called penetration testing. In simple terms, cyber security professionals attempt to gain access to your computer systems. They use the same techniques that hackers and cyber criminals might use. This is one of the most effective ways to identify vulnerabilities. Moreover, it will test your company’s infrastructure and networks as well as its applications. In short, penetration testers detect weaknesses and vulnerabilities that real-life malicious hackers could exploit.

However, having one penetration test and fixing the flaws in the system does not mean you are then protected indefinitely. Cyber tactics and procedures advance quickly. The emergence of new flaws means that it’s important to perform assessments regularly.


cyber security


2. Keep Systems Updated and Patched

One of the key mistakes that many businesses make is that they do not keep computers, laptops and mobile devices up to date. To put it bluntly, update everything as soon as possible to the latest available versions. This includes operating systems, antivirus software, applications, and web browsers. Often manufacturers release updates in order to deal with known security issues.

Make sure that you and your employees know to check for new versions of software. Train your staff to update as soon as new versions become available. Doing so can prevent you from being at risk from common attacks.


3. Back up Important Data

It is good practice to get into the habit of keeping an offsite backup. Include all the information stored on your business’s network in this backup.

Imagine a scenario in which you have lost important information. Or that you have suffered a data breach and thieves have stolen private data. With an offsite backup you would be able to restore any compromised data. This would help to quickly overcome the incident and reduce operational disruption.

This is where it can be useful to invest in cloud technology. Cloud technology can ensure that you have a copy of your data both on your own physical servers as well as elsewhere in the cloud.


4. Control and Manage Network Access

One common problem that small businesses face is that they don’t plan for keeping their system secure. In short, it is often the case that they are simply too trusting. No employer likes to think that they cannot trust their staff. However, it is unfortunately the case that data theft by employees is a growing problem.

It is important, then, to ensure you are putting the right safety measures in place. Employees need to have their own accounts. Further, each account must have access permissions that are determined by the requirements of employees’ respective roles.



5. Educate and Train Employees

What’s more, you need to ensure that you are providing your team with cyber security awareness training. Well-trained staff are one of the most important lines of defense against phishing attacks and other types of social engineering. Advise employees about the latest security protocols. Further, train them in some of the simple things, such as choosing a strong password.


Better Cyber Security Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult

The measures we have offered here might seem simple. However, they can make a huge difference to your business’s overall resistance to cyber attacks.

The post Smart Tips for Better Small Business Cyber Security appeared first on Business Opportunities.


Sunday 17 June 2018

Are You Thinking of Taking out a Car Title Loan? Read This First

Photo by GotCredit

Borrowing is something you do when you are pressed for cash but you have run out of other options. This can sometimes happen when you’re trying to start or expand your business. As a matter of fact, in a difficult situation, you might even be considering a car title loan. If you are, there are certain things you need to understand.


Look for Transparency from the Lender

Transparency is key when you’re borrowing. That’s because you want to ensure you’re getting the best possible deal. Also, there are unscrupulous lenders who will misrepresent important information about their terms. Later, these conditions could show up to haunt you when you want to clear your loan.

Therefore, ask as many questions as you can think of. Make sure you clearly understand what the lender’s terms require of you before you agree to the loan.

For example, some lenders apply additional fees to the amount you’re borrowing. In such a case, you’ll receive less money than you applied for.




Confirm Lenders’ Credit Reports

Companies like Montana Capital Car Title Loans have a portfolio that you can check before you borrow from them. They are required to submit credit reports, and government entities monitor their operations.

However, there are many lenders out there who don’t maintain such high standards. These lenders might dupe you into a deal that would leave you with more problems than you started with.

Therefore, check the credit reports of any lender before you proceed to borrow from them. Additionally, read reviews from other customers to get a better understanding of a lender’s practices and services.


Shop Around

When it comes to borrowing of any kind, rates matter. Keep in mind that different lenders offer different rates for the same kinds of service.

Therefore, do your homework, especially when you’re shopping for a car title loan. This will help you to distinguish differences among lenders. Once you have shopped around, you can choose the one that offers the best rates and gets the best reviews.

Don’t just make assumptions, even if a deal looks attractive on the surface. There might just be something better out there.



Can You Afford It?

Affordability is a matter you have to judge for yourself. However, sometimes a loan is too expensive. If you look at your budget, you’ll see that for some loans, you won’t be able to raise the required repayment installments.

The cost of a car title loan is influenced in part by the interest rate. Additionally, it has to do with how the lender views your risk profile.

To keep costs down, borrow as little as possible. This will help you to avoid paying installments that may become burdensome to you. Assess your ability realistically. Then borrow within that window to avoid further difficulties for yourself and your business.


Make Sure You Understand the Terms of Your Car Title Loan

Borrowing against your car’s title is something you should pursue only after you understand how that market operates.

Look for the best deal in the market by shopping around for good rates. Additionally, make sure to borrow an amount you can repay. If you borrow more than you can afford, you could face penalties when you are unable to repay the loan. This could damage not only your credit rating, but also the financial health of both you and your business.

The post Are You Thinking of Taking out a Car Title Loan? Read This First appeared first on Business Opportunities.
