Friday 9 November 2018

The Indispensable Do’s and Don’ts of Producing Corporate Videos

Royalty Free Photo from Expect Best at Pexels

Video marketing is bigger than ever. This is especially true because of all the different opportunities visually driven social media has to offer. But for your corporate videos to stick and have an impact on your audience and your business, there are a few basic rules you need to follow. Moreover, there are some mistakes you need to avoid. In this article, we’re going to give you some of the do’s and don’ts for creating videos for your company.


Do Make Sure That You Have a Clear Script

While video doesn’t require as much writing as text does, you have to make sure that you have a compelling script if you want to keep your audience’s attention. Therefore, there are a few major points that you’ll need to address in your corporate videos.

Primarily, your clients should be able to tell what your company’s mission is. They will also need to grasp exactly what your company does. Additionally, they should be able to get a glimpse of your corporate culture and the products you sell.




Don’t Try to Pack in Too Much Information

However, you should also make sure that you don’t overload your audience. Make sure that you stick with the essentials. In other words, don’t pack your videos with too much information. There is a sweet spot when it comes to videos. And most of your readers won’t want to watch a video that is too long. Therefore, try to keep it within the two- to five-minute mark to keep your audience attentive.


Do Add a Powerful Call to Action

You should have a clear goal when creating your corporate videos. Moreover, your clients should have no doubt what it is once they’ve watched it. The end goal in corporate videos is usually to either gather leads or generate sales. Therefore, having a clear call to action will increase your audience’s engagement and conversions.

For example, if you’re releasing a video on thought leadership and you’re using data from a study you released, then make sure to include a link to that study at the end. If you’re trying to sell a product, on the other hand, you should prompt your audience to check out the product’s page. Alternatively, give them a way to get in touch with you for more details.


Don’t Try to Make Your Corporate Videos All on Your Own

Unless you have someone who has experience with corporate videos on your team, doing the production in house is usually a bad idea. Not only will you be taking away some of your valuable team members from more important tasks, but you might not get the result you were looking for in the end.

That’s why it’s essential that you work with a company that has extensive experience specifically with corporate videos. You’ll still be able to give your instructions and check on the production process. However, you’ll have an expert team to storyboard, edit, and manage the video production process.

You should also try working with a local team that might better understand some of the particularities of your market. If you live in Boston, for instance, then you should work with a Boston video production company that will understand the local audience better. This will increase engagement and ensure that both of you are speaking the same language.

Video production can be a great way to engage your audience and spark their interest. But this is true only when it’s done properly. However, if you follow these few instructions when you’re making corporate videos, you should be able to boost your sales and quickly increase visibility for your brand.

The post The Indispensable Do’s and Don’ts of Producing Corporate Videos appeared first on Business Opportunities.


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