Sunday 15 July 2018

Written Content: How to Use It to Promote Your Business in 2018

Content marketing is affordable. It is also an efficient and effective SEO tool. However, that content has to have some value to those who read it. In other words, you have to feature high quality written content.

What’s more, your written content must offer some kind of tangible takeaway for your website visitors. The better the content, the better your website rankings will be. Higher rankings translate into higher traffic to your website. That means more potential customers will be learning from you.

But how exactly do you use written content to promote your business? Here are some hints on how to do that and succeed.




1. Stay Relevant

This is going to require ongoing research on your part. If your product is something unique, you will want to focus on that as a selling point. However, as time goes on, your written content may shift away from that from time to time. In order to keep bringing traffic (and search engines) back to your website, your content needs to be relevant to your specific product line. In other words, if you are selling golf accessories online, your blog posts better not be about pizza and beer. Keep your content relevant. This will help to keep the purpose of your website focused.


2. Be Human

As tempting as it may be to try to project an image that is far beyond where you are in business or your personal life, doing so can cause damage to your brand. On the other hand, writing that is personable, true, and believable draws the reader in. You come across like a human and not a robot that is churning out content.

Therefore, be real and write about your business mistakes. Let your written content be about lessons you’ve learned and problems you’ve encountered. It is okay to write about the good stuff, too. But sometimes bad things happen in life. By being honest about it in your writing, you could end up winning more support than you anticipated.



3. Create Downloads

Have a few effective tips on how to do something that’s related to your business? Will it be of interest to your website visitors? Why not produce a mini e-book or stats sheet on the topic? Then provide access to the content as a free download.

It doesn’t have to be extensive. However, if you offer something that your audience can use in their day-to-day lives, you help build a stronger bond with your customers. You’ll also attract potential new customers. Any kind of helpful tip-like article will do.


4. Give Stuff Away

This is different from the downloads we just mentioned. One very effective way to utilize written content in promoting your business is through the use of giveaways. For example, if you are introducing a brand new product to your inventory, write about that. Then offer a few samples as giveaways. Request that the winners write product reviews for you on that item.

You will achieve multiple goals with a giveaway like this. For example, you’ll demonstrate that yours is a business that offers something of value to customers. Plus, you’ll receive feedback that can assist with marketing. What’s more, testimonials make incredibly good new written content for future blog posts.


5. Build a Habit

One of the biggest mistakes that some business operators make is not keeping up with ongoing new written content. If possible, you should be publishing something online daily. If that is not possible, at least weekly is a good cycle to follow.

Whatever you choose to do, stick to it and keep the regularity in place. Once you get in the habit of writing something new to promote your business, it will become second nature. The hard part is getting into a routine where you produce a post regularly.


6. Get Social

Even if you are not all that comfortable with social media, find a way to use it to help promote your business. The most effective way of doing this is with written content. Then share that content through various social media platforms. The bonus of doing this is that whatever content you send out is going to reach people you might not reach in any other way. With the majority of internet users spending time on social media, it makes sense to get your message out where potential new customers are hanging out online.


7. Written Content in the Inbox

If you are counting pennies and require a strong return on your investment, one of the best ways of using written content to promote your business is through email. Nothing beats speaking directly to your customers from their inbox. Plus, with a well crafted email your written content can be about a special deal that is only available to those who respond to your email. This is extremely cost-effective and a great target marketing strategy.


8. Hit Some Blogs

Another useful tool that you can employ through written content is to comment on other people’s blogs. Keep in mind that you should stick to blogs that have a topic or thread that is relevant to your website niche. Moreover, your comments can earn you valuable backlinks to your website.

However, restrict your comments to blogs that have good rankings, as your website will benefit from them. The same applies if the blog site has poor rankings: Your backlink can hurt your website rankings. So do some homework before you start to flood blogs with comments.


In Conclusion

Using written content to promote your business can help in many different ways. You are no longer restricted to just posting on your own website anymore. An effective digital marketing strategy will include written content. And if the right content is going to relevant places, your business will experience the kind of exposure it deserves. What’s more, this will all happen at a much faster pace than any other traditional form of marketing can give you.

The post Written Content: How to Use It to Promote Your Business in 2018 appeared first on Business Opportunities.


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