Saturday 5 May 2018

How to Start a Solar Panel Installation Business the Right Way

As a focused businessperson, you recognize the solar industry as a promising area for investment. Are you therefore considering starting a solar panel installation business?

As an alternative energy source, solar is recommended by governments, environmentalists and human rights groups around the world. What’s more, the move to solar energy will continue to gain momentum as oil prices continue to increase. Therefore, investing in the solar panel installation business is a wise move.

To that end, this guide provides helpful information for successfully starting your solar panel installation business.



1. Formulate a Business Plan

Never underestimate the importance of creating a business plan. That’s because it is the foundation and backbone of every startup.

Therefore, your plan should cover all anticipated costs. Additionally, it should have information about target markets and long-term goals.

Research the solar field so that you can draw up a detailed business plan. Further, seek advice from renowned experts in the industry. For example, reach out to successful companies like Sandbar Solar, based in Santa Cruz, California.


2. Position Your Company in a Strategic Setting

It’s important to open your solar panel installation company in a strategic location. Therefore, look for sites that will be convenient for customers and stakeholders. What’s more, be sure that your new site is secure and employee-friendly.


3. Take Care of Licensing and Certification

Become familiar with your state’s certification process. Further, learn the ins and outs of its requirements for solar panel installation businesses. Additionally, be aware that the approval process can take up to one year.


4. Secure Sound Financing

Review all the costs required to launch and run your company. And if you don’t have adequate funds on hand, submit loan proposals to several financial institutions in your area.

With financing in place, you can begin acquiring all the equipment necessary. Then, once you’ve established your business, you can identify yourself as an experienced contractor. This positions you to purchase equipment from dealers who offer industry discounts and wholesale prices.


5. Hire the Best Employees

Very few successful companies operate with just one individual. Therefore, you need to hire people for multiple positions. You want employees with strong office and people skills. Additionally, you might want other individuals for marketing and accounting. Further, bring in technicians with experience in electronics, carpentry and general field work.

However, hiring the best employees requires sound vetting. Look for candidates who can bring a positive attitude to your business. Verify their academic qualifications and work experiences. This is especially important for fabrication and installation crews.




6. Know Your Target Customers

Identify target customers before launching your company. Do you want to focus exclusively on homeowners? Are you positioned to reach out to businesses and install solar panels on commercial properties? Pinpointing and targeting specific groups helps establish a reliable customer base.


7. Maintain a Strong Online Presence

A well designed website enables you to reach potential clients more easily. What’s more, your website should incorporate mobile-friendly features. When you do, customers can connect to your site through their smartphones. Make sure your online portals include lists of all services. Additionally, include a project portfolio as well as your company’s contact details.


8. Develop Marketing Strategies

Successful marketing ensures the future of your business. Work with marketing professionals. Draw up a plan that targets your customers.

What’s more, take advantage of various strategies to brand your solar panel installation company. Television, radio and print advertising can be as effective as digital marketing options.


9. Create Awareness Across Social Media Platforms

Potential customers use social media sites to interact with businesses every day. Position your company to create brand awareness across this digital landscape. Open different social media accounts. Use them to elevate your business profile.

For example, start a Facebook business page featuring creative, informative content. Respond to customer comments and thank them for positive reviews.


10. Build a Solid Customer Base

Proper marketing builds a solid client base. As your solar panel installation company acquires more and more loyal customers, you enjoy consistent growth and profits. Reward clients regularly with discounts, gifts or free services. Satisfied customers will often refer more people to your solar panel installation business.


Enjoy Running Your New Business

Be sure to choose a unique name for your business. Maintain your solar installation equipment properly to avoid costly repair or replacement costs. Additionally, as you broaden your customer base, put measures in place that ensure smooth operations.

Finally, keep employees at the top of their field with training programs that emphasize both technical and trending industry issues. Ensure that all employees understand their role in the company and treat all clients with fairness and respect. Long-term growth and business success depends on always putting the customer first.

The post How to Start a Solar Panel Installation Business the Right Way appeared first on Business Opportunities.
