Tuesday 23 May 2017

6 Strategies for Growing Your Online Business’s Online Presence

6 Strategies for Growing Your Online Business’s Online Presence

Brand awareness is crucial to your business’s long-term success. One of the ways to create brand awareness is through a strong presence online, but that’s easier said than done. When you have a large online presence you attract more organic traffic through search engines, people share your content more often, and you generate a lot more sales.

There are a number of ways that you can build your brand’s presence online, but it’s important to know what your strengths are and run with them. If you love to write and don’t have that much money, then blogging will be a more viable option for you than buying advertisements. If you’re a social media god, then running an engaging social media account might be more worthwhile than offering promotions.

Understanding the type of marketer you are is a key part of being successful at marketing. Once you have this understanding, you will be better able to build up your online presence and generate more income. Take some time with the marketing strategies in this list and see if you can pick out the ones that suit you best.


A Link-Building Campaign

Link-building is an incredibly effective form of online marketing and it’s fully measurable so you can track how your campaign is coming along. Link-building is a simple idea. You’re essentially putting your website’s link in as many websites as possible that have a Google search engine reputation.

What does it mean for a website to have a search engine reputation? That just basically means it’s a website that doesn’t appear to be spammy. If you publish your link on a spammy site, it will earn you negative karma with search engines like Google.

There are two reasons to do a link-building campaign no matter your marketing strengths. The obvious reason is that it will bring in more people to your website because they will directly click your link. The second reason is that this campaign will help you to rank better in search engines. Google has “site crawlers” which index the internet. The more links you have that the site crawlers find, the higher ranking you earn. The key, though, isn’t to spam your link just anywhere. You need to get on high profile websites.

There are a number of ways you can go about putting your links on sites. There are easy things you can do today where you’ll notice results and more long-term strategies. The easy way is by publishing your links on social media, commenting on other blogs (but not spamming them!), posting on Quora, and so on. The harder way is through guest posting for other bloggers and as a reward gaining a link on their website. Both the easy and harder versions are worth doing and will create a snowball effect to increase your online presence.


Write a Blog

If you love to write, create a blog. Your blog will fulfill your desire to write and generate a big online presence at the same time. Blogging is awesome because it allows you to write about your niche, which helps to make you a leader within that industry.

The difficult thing with blogging, though, is getting people to see your blog. If you write an epic post about Health Canada consultants in Toronto or how to buy Toronto condos, you want your words to be seen. You want it shared and engaged with!

What I love about blogging is that it’s an incredibly versatile marketing tool. Every new post that you write is a new website page you can promote. You’re also able to market every post in a new way, based on the topic. So if you write about widgets, you can share it in circles online such as forums, FB groups, et cetera who love widgets. Blogging is a unique and special way to market your site, but it doesn’t work by itself. For every twenty minutes you spend writing, you need to spend eighty minutes marketing to gain the most success.


Promotions and Giveaways

Offering promotions and giveaways is a great way to create engagement on your website and endear yourself to customers. People simply love free things and good deals. To offer a giveaway, select a product of yours and hold a competition. This competition should be geared towards whatever you’d like to see on your website.

If you want to see more growth, tell customers to do something that will bring in new clients. This could be a share on social media, getting a friend to buy a product or sign up on your site, or sharing an e-mail of yours. Then one lucky person gets your product for free. If you wish for more website engagement, you can cater the giveaway to increase blog comments or replies to your e-mail.


Create Engaging Social Media Accounts

Social media is difficult for a lot of people because it takes a long time to grow. However, it’s worth the effort, because once you have a great social media profile you can share your content and get hits on it every time. To start off with social media, simply focus on what your message is and post often.

If you’d like to create a Twitter following, one of the best strategies is to follow people who follow you. Look for lists and people in your niche. Begin by following around 150 people per day and unfollow those who don’t follow back after a day or so. This will help you to keep in line with your demographic while also building your follower base quickly. One tip to keep in mind is that there is a follow limit of 10%. This means that if you have a hundred people following you, you cannot follow 112 as it’s more than 10% of the people who are following you. This restriction is annoying for the first few thousand followers, but after that it’s more manageable.

As for Facebook, it’s a bit harder to grow your account. Focus your attention on being active in online discussions about your niche and promote your Facebook page on your website with an accessible “like” button. Most of your Facebook likes will probably come directly from traffic to your website.


Create Creative Advertisements

Even if you don’t have much (or any) money for marketing, you can still create advertisements. Head over to a website like Canva and you can build beautifully designed advertisements with few skills and no money, although there is a paid option if you choose.

If you’re a travel blogger for instance, you can create a beautiful travel image with a quote about adventure or how the road holds meaning for you. From there you can include a link to your website and publish your ad on sites such as Reddit or Imgur. Of course, publish it on your social media account, too.

Another cool way to market a website is by developing an infographic. These do take a bit of skill and some research, but people love them. Create an engaging infographic that’s colorful and flows smoothly and it will have viral potential.


Key in on Search Engine Optimization

Lastly, you need to focus on search engine optimization. It’s important to create a link-building strategy, but it’s also important to focus on SEO, too. SEO is in part keywords that will help people online to find your website. If you sell postcards, then look up keywords and phrases people use when they’re looking to buy postcards, such as “cheap postcards online” and “postcards for sale.”

Through Google Analytics you can track how often these keywords and phrases are used in order to see which ones are the most successful in terms of usage and how much traffic they might bring in. Once you have your list of keywords set, write them into your website. Place them in any blog posts and on your home page. Put them internally in your WordPress frame and promote posts on social media using them.

A strong keyword strategy will go far in terms of increasing online presence by ranking you higher in search engines as well as bringing in more organic traffic. This will take time, though, so don’t expect it to work as quickly as a link-building campaign.

Building your online presence is a large task, but one that can be accomplished using the above strategies. All of these strategies should be tried a few times to see how you feel about them. It’s important to go with your strengths over weaknesses, however, so don’t waste time blogging if you hate writing. However, link-building and a well developed SEO strategy are a must and can’t be ignored.

Whatever tactics you choose to use will help to increase your website’s traffic and create long-term brand awareness. Just be sure to stay focused and keep learning as you go. This will help you to increase sales, gain more unique hits per month, and take your website to the next level.

The post 6 Strategies for Growing Your Online Business’s Online Presence appeared first on Business Opportunities.

source http://www.business-opportunities.biz/2017/05/6-strategies-growing-online-businesss-online-presence/

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