Monday 10 October 2016

How Global Expansion Effects Your Business Image

How Global Expansion Effects Your Business Image

Even if your company is based in the wheat fields of Kansas, a global presence can make the image of wheat fields disappear. In fact, each person’s view of a company is different and it is generally based on how that person perceives their relationship to the company.


For example, ask yourself these questions:

  1. As a customer, do you prefer Microsoft or Google?
  2. Who would you rather work for, Microsoft or Google?
  3. As an investor, which company would you prefer to invest in, Microsoft or Google?


Your answer probably changed with each question and that is because your perspective changes with each one. In other words, we internally reprioritize the factors according to whether we are looking at the brand as a customer, employee or investor.

By the same token, how a company is viewed in terms of its global presence depends on the needs, desires and perspective of both its customers and competition.


Your Corporate Image with Customers

 As your company begins to grow, your customers should continue to support your brand.  In fact, when you go global, you will get more customers—and not just for the fact that more people are exposed to your product.  It’s been shown in several studies—including this one from the July 2012 issue of the World Review of Business research—that customers will prefer a global brand over a local one the majority of the time.

This is because, as consumers or customers, we lean towards global brands.  We look for companies to do business with that we know and trust. We tend to associate the status and prestige of a national brand with how we identify ourselves as a consumer. The logic goes something like this:


A global product means that more people know about it – which means it has a bigger audience and is more famous – which means that I want it because I deserve a great product.”

In other words, we think if a product or brand is global, we should like it and trust it more. This may have more to do with an unconscious yearning for it as a status symbol instead of having a true affinity for the actual product.


On The Other Hand

This may change if a local product is believed to preserve local jobs or if there is a pay-off for using that product.  Americans love to fight for an underdog like a small business that is being shoved aside by a big box retailer, chain coffee store and so on. In those instances, the local brand may well win out over a global brand time and again.


Your Corporate Image with Your Competitors

 The corporate image your competitors hold of your company will change after you become a global business.  Unlike your customers, who long to use your products, your local competitors may be intimidated and threatened by your growth.

They might even feel sadness, irritation and envy.  After all, when you leave the local playground to expand and go big, you in a sense leave them behind. Don’t be surprised if they begin to make their  own move to international status. After all, no business likes to be in the rear view mirror of another.

One large benefit of global expansion is that it causes your company to not only be bigger but to also look and feel bigger than it might actually be. Naturally, as you begin to grow, your customers will see it, you will take on many new customers and your competitors will also begin to see you in a larger light. With this, your brand may begin to carry more weight than it actually has.


What if My Business is small and I would like to Appear Global?

 That is ok too. There are ways to appear larger; especially with the use of the internet, a professional website and tools like virtual offices. If it makes sense for your business, hiring a virtual assistant can make your business appear expansive and also assist you in getting things done.  CLICK HERE to learn more about how to use a virtual office. is in Singapore and is an excellent way to help your business be more efficient and look more “international.”


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