Thursday, 30 November 2017

Inbox Zero: Manage Your Email Inbox Effectively

Inbox Zero: Manage Your Email Inbox Effectively

Inbox Zero is an achievement that a lot of business people long for. It is the ultimate productivity benchmark.

But is it necessary?

The first to coin this term years ago was Merlin Mann. Here is the way he initially described it:

“[Inbox Zero is] about how to reclaim your email, your attention, and your life. That ‘zero’? It’s not how many messages are in your inbox—it’s how much of your own brain is in that inbox. Especially when you don’t want it to be. That’s it.”




But afterward, people created their own definitions of Inbox Zero. They are not using the term with the same intent that Mann suggested.

Why not?

Because nowadays many people think the term means that they have nothing left in their inbox. They take it to mean that it’s about removing visual clutter.

However, the Inbox Zero method is definitely not about that.


Fake Inbox Zero

That feeling of accomplishment you get when you zero out your inbox is always short-lived at best. Frequently, you’ll discover that even though you thought you had zeroed out your inbox, it’s not really zeroed out at all. In fact, plenty of emails are still lurking in another section of your email.

Removing the emails from your inbox just means that you’ve cleaned out your inbox. You removed emails from your sight.

However, unless you have really done something with those emails you haven’t really accomplished anything. In other words, if you haven’t crossed them off your task list, or dealt with each one in some way, they will still be in your mental inbox.


So, What’s the Solution?

Inbox Zero is a concept that helps you to complete the tasks at hand without having to think about them ever again. What’s more, you won’t need any paper. And you won’t encounter any stress at all.

Once you have handled an email the Inbox Zero way, you can rest assured that it’s dealt with until the next email comes along. Then you’ll use the method again to rid your inbox of that one, too, so that you can stay on track.

You may always have one or two of the big ones from your inbox that land on your desk. However, you can learn to switch things up so that you can get closer and closer to your goal of Inbox Zero.


How to Achieve Inbox Zero

So then, what is the best way to end up with nothing in your inbox?

The answer is so simple it will astonish you. Here it is: Have no inbox at all.

Think of it this way. The inbox is simply a way for others to communicate with you. Also, it gives you a way to process those communications. It’s where you decide whether to file them, deal with them, or remove them.

So, why not put those incoming emails in your “to do” pile from the very moment they arrive at your email address? There they can sit until you decide to take action. Of course, you’ll have to pay attention and consider what you need to do in order to remove them from your desk entirely. But you will be able to prioritize them and then take care of them in a timely fashion.

Once you’ve decided where to file an email and what to do with it, and then you have taken any necessary action on it, you’re well on your way to Inbox Zero.

You’ll find that there’s no reason for you to store things in your inbox anymore. You won’t even feel the need to have an inbox. No longer will you stare at incoming emails and wonder what to do with them. You’ll simply file them, prioritize them, and deal with them appropriately. You will have achieved Inbox Zero. In other words, you’ll be managing your inbox so that it’s always at zero.



Deal with Your Inbox. Don’t Fake It

When you see something in your inbox, ask yourself right away where it should go. In what order should you do it? Focus on new innovative methods to complete tasks and get to Inbox Zero.

For example, learn to check your email only twice per day. Turn the alerts off. Put your inbox where no one else can access it. You’ll find that if you deal with your email only twice per day, you’ll get far more done.

Whatever you do, don’t put your email icon on your desktop. There, it will work as poison. You’ll be thinking about it constantly. What’s more, don’t allow new messages to flash on your screen while you’re working. This will interfere with your productivity and slow your momentum on important projects.


Make Inbox Zero Your True Goal

If inbox zero is your goal, your true goal, then you’ll have to rethink your processes. You’ll need to find ways to deal with what you need to do so that you get things done in a timely fashion. You’ll probably need to change your filing system. You might need to re-prioritize your goals in order to have more productivity.

This kind of restructuring will help you to focus on what matters most. You’ll learn to tune out distractions and concentrate on what you’re doing while you’re doing it.

Before long, you’ll discover that not only are you getting more work done, you will have also achieved Inbox Zero.

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The Proper Way to Write an Essay: Taking the Craft to the Next Level

The Proper Way to Write an Essay: Taking the Craft to the Next Level

As a business owner, you have lots of irons in the fire. One of them might even be taking a course or two to enhance your business skills. If that’s the case, you’ll probably need to write an essay—or several—before all is said and done.

Naturally, you want to do as good a job as you can, so as to make the best grade you possibly can. Therefore, you need to know how to write an essay that anyone would consider very nearly flawless. If you want to perfect the craft of writing an essay, it’s not as difficult as it might appear on first glance.

How, though, can you make any essay a great piece of writing? Here, we talk about how you can make some small changes to your writing that will allow you to craft great essays whenever your coursework demands it.




Don’t Be Afraid to Question Things

Most people, when they need to write an essay, approach it by reading about the subject first. Of course, that’s something you absolutely must do.

However, most people simply rewrite the material they’ve read in their own words. But you have to do more than that. You need to question what you read and not be afraid to make some waves.

Think on your feet and actively insert valuable input and thought into the process. That way, your essay will be much more interesting to the reader—and will surely bring you a higher grade.


Be Your Own Worst Critic

The whole point of writing an essay is for someone else to read it. That means that eventually, your professor and possibly other people will criticize your work.

Learn to beat them to the punch by being your own worst critic.

In other words, don’t be afraid to go to town when you are looking for flaws in your work. Correcting yourself now means people will have fewer chances to correct you later.



Rely on Multiple References

As you prepare to write an essay, dig into plenty of references. The more extensive your research, the better your essay will be.

A broad range of thoughts and opinions about your subject matter will allow you to go far and wide with your assumptions and your statements. Diverse points of view will enhance your essay overall.

Then, too, multiple references will help you to make your essay as accurate as possible.

So don’t be afraid to use any platform that could give you a helping hand. This includes sites such as Wikipedia, which is basically the bible of any essay writer out there. However, make sure you couple the information you get there with other sources. This will give your essay more credibility.


Stick to the Point

One of the main things that happen when most people write an essay is that they drift off and eventually lose track of what they’re writing about.

Therefore, make sure you stay on point. Don’t deviate from the main topic of the essay. Including an anecdote won’t ruin your paper, but make sure it’s not five paragraphs long.


Bring It Home with Good Grammar and Faultless Spelling

Use these guidelines to achieve the best results possible when you write an essay. In addition, make sure your writing follows the basic rules of grammar and syntax. And by all means, check your essay for spelling errors before you turn it in.

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Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Understanding the Concept of Collateral Management

Understanding the Concept of Collateral Management

Are you worried that unsecured transactions will cause you financial loss? If so, then it is time that you explore the concept of collateral management.

Collateral management is a process that aims to reduce credit risk in unsecured financial transactions.

The concept of collateral has been used for quite some time. For example, in order to obtain a loan, you might have put up some collateral, such as a car or your home, in order to provide the lender with some security in case you defaulted on the loan.

Collateral management, however, has evolved from that simple concept, mostly thanks to advancements in technology. We’re going to discuss some of its complexities in this article.



Understanding Collateral Management with an Example

Lots of people find the concept of collateral management quite complex and difficult to understand. Perhaps the following example will make things clearer.

Banks recognize over-the-counter derivatives, including options and swaps. The problem is that swaps and options can give rise to counterparty credit exposure. Let us assume that two parties enter into a swap.

The interest rate changes during the course of the deal. In this situation, one party will be able to get the mark-to-market (MTM) profit on the deal while the other party will suffer a loss.

In our example, the party that is on the verge of losing the deal defaults, and chooses instead to opt for a replacement deal at the current market price. The MTM value is the credit exposure.

This risk may not be so threatening for the short-term deal, but for long-term deals, the risk gradually increases.

There is also a risk that the counterparty will not be able to maintain a prime credit rating in the near future.

What the banks do is that they record the credit risk on the swap. This is what we call collateral management. You can reduce your credit risk by opting for a break clause, which would allow you to end the deal early. However, collateral management is preferable.




The Process of Collateral Management

One can easily use collateral management for options and swaps.

When two parties enter into the collateralization, they need to negotiate. They also execute a document called the CSD. CSD stands for “central securities depository.” It refers to an institution that holds securities for clients, often in electronic form. This CSD document lays out the terms and conditions of the collateralization.

You will notice that trades undergoing collateralization are regularly MTM trades. This is why the two parties have to agree on the net valuation.

The party that will have the negative MTM on the trade will deliver the collateral to the party having the positive MTM. When new deals are added to the valuation, and the prices change, then the portfolio of the trade will change as well.

In accordance with the agreement, the valuation repeats monthly, weekly or daily. After the valuation, the collateral position changes so that it can easily reflect the new valuation.

The party that suffers an MTM loss has to post the collateral.

If you feel that collateral management is a problem for you, then seek the assistance of a professional collateral management company. They can help you in this regard.

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Tips for Starting a Successful Trade Business

Image Credit: Pixabay

Tips for Starting a Successful Trade Business

Trade-based businesses provide a valuable service to the communities they exist within. From maintaining local roads to ensuring that the homes and businesses they build are within certain safety specifications (and every trade in between), there’s no denying that we’d be lost without these individuals and their masterful sets of skills.

But how do you go from a skilled trades worker to the proud new owner of a successful trade business? Here are a few tips to consider.


trade business

Get an idea of what people are looking for with Google’s Adwords Keyword Planner.

Verify Area Demand

Sometimes people jump into business ownership solely because they’re good at something and want to offer that type of service. Only later do they learn that there’s no real demand for their skill in that particular geographic area. By researching area demand first, you’re able to avoid this type of situation.

One way to verify demand is by using Google AdWords Keyword Planner. Simply put in the keywords someone would use to find your business. You will instantly see how many searches are conducted using those words and phrases monthly. This will tell you whether the demand is enough to potentially support your business. It will also give you an idea of the keywords to use when you promote your business.


trade business

Tradify offers a great solution for tradesmen looking to go digital with their operations.




Purchase Trade-Specific Business Software

Starting any type of business, including a trade business, often means that you’re working largely on your own. This also means that your days are going to require you to handle of a variety of tasks. Why not free up some of your time by using trade-specific business software?

Nowadays, you can find many apps that can speed up your process. Tradify has a great app built for plumbers, and another for electricians. Trade-specific applications such as these are tailored to fit the style of your work. They can really make a difference in your day-to-day operations.



Look Closely at Your Competitors

Maybe you’ve learned there is a need for your skill set. However, is the market so saturated with people offering it that it’s going to be extra tough for you to build and grow a successful business?

The only way to know this for sure is to take a look at your local competition. Specifically, how many businesses exist and what types of services does each one offer?

Once you have this type of information, you’re able to better identify whether there’s room for you, too. Additionally, you’ll know whether there is a particular portion of the market that is underserved. This will tell you who to cater your marketing to. Finally, you’ll have an idea whether there are services you could offer that your competitors don’t.


Know Your Local Tax Code

When you own your own business, the government allows you certain tax deductions. The sooner you learn what those are for your geographical location, the easier it will be to take advantage of them. You certainly don’t want to pay any more than you should.

For example, if you own a business in the trades in Canada, you’re entitled to certain tax credits if you hire apprentices. You can also deduct a certain amount annually to purchase new tools for tradespersons on your payroll. Talk with your accountant to learn what type of credits you qualify for in your region. Learn how to best maximize them.


trade business

Image Credit: Pixabay

Go One Step Further with Your Insurances and Licenses

Sadly, in this day and age, there are a lot of scam companies popping up. This makes it more difficult for the consumer to trust companies that actually provide a legitimate service. How do you overcome this issue if you fall into the latter category?

First off, you should obtain all necessary licenses and insurances as dictated by your particular trade. Then, go one step further and place their numbers on your website. Additionally, provide links your customers can click on to easily verify that you’ve obtained the proper certifications.

If you have a physical office, display them on your wall, blocking out any personal information you don’t want your customers to know. You may also want to keep a copy in each of your work vehicles. This way, you can show them to anyone who questions whether you’re for real while you’re out on the work site.

Starting a new trade business isn’t always easy. But as long as you follow these basic guidelines, it can definitely be successful. And that’s the best type of business there is.

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Tuesday, 28 November 2017

How Does UX Design Improve Your Website’s Conversion Rate?

How Does UX Design Improve Your Website’s Conversion Rate?

It doesn’t matter what type of business you are in. Conversion rate is without a doubt one of the most important aspects of your business.

You have to convert those potential customers into paying customers. Otherwise, new sales are not going to happen.

However, you can increase your website’s conversion rate, and good UX design is the key.




What Is UX Design?

UX is short for “user experience.” Good UX design centers around improving customers’ overall experience of your website.

So how, exactly, does good UX design improve your website’s conversion rate?



Improves Customers’ First Impressions

UX design is particularly important for that moment when a customer visits your website for the first time. Just as with individual first impressions, a customer’s first impression of your website is critical, too.

For example, did you know that it only takes 0.1 seconds for a person to gather their first impression about another individual? Well, you might be surprised to learn that it takes even less time for a customer to gather a first impression about a website. In fact, research shows that it only takes 0.05 seconds for a person to determine what they think about your website.


Improves Your Website’s Scrolling Aspects

How many times have you been on a website and found yourself endlessly scrolling? And then your mouse pointer turned into an hourglass or some other animation that indicated the s-l-o-w passage of time.

You probably didn’t stay on that site very long.

There is no need for you to expose your customers to such time wasters. With the appropriate coding and design, your scroll bar will work flawlessly. And your customers will have a smooth browsing experience.

When your site works fast and smooth, customers will find it a pleasure to scour through all that your website has to offer.


Encourages Interaction

There is no better way to get someone to spend more time on your website than by getting them engaged.

There are several ways you can do this. Offer a poll, or give them some useful information. Develop some how-to guides and present them as freebies.

Whatever the situation, with the right visual cues you can encourage customers to spend more and more time on your website. The more engaged they are, the more willing they will be to spend time on your website and to purchase your products and services.


Increases Website Speed

Speed is one of the most important aspects of any website. In fact, several studies show that if it takes more than 3 seconds for your site to load more than half of those who are visiting your site will click out.

However, with the right graphics, designs, and coding, your site will always load quickly. More than just about anything, you want to provide your customers with a quick and smooth viewing experience.


Improve Your Website with Good UX Design

At FuseLab Creative, we base every decision we make during design and development on the end user experience. We believe that the primary function of any website, regardless of the industry, is to create positive and engaging user experiences.

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A Startup That Uses Powerful AI Algorithms to Build Better Brands

A Startup That Uses Powerful AI Algorithms to Build Better Brands

When CEO Yali Saar launched Tailor Brands in 2014, he had a new concept in mind.

Business owners were used to getting their branding design work done by brick-and-mortar studios or freelancers. However, today Tailor Brands has given a whole new meaning to branding and logo creation by showing how powerful artificial intelligence, or AI, can be.


How Is Tailor Brands Changing the Branding Industry?

There is nothing new about the concept of branding. Business owners have always sought unique and compelling logos and company mottos that appeal to their customers. These days, they also seek to create a company culture that employees will find fulfilling and glamorous.

However, there is a new approach to branding today, thanks to innovative startups like Tailor Brands.

Following are some of the ways Tailor Brands is empowering small businesses today:


1. Affordable Solutions



Small businesses are realizing the importance of branding, and they want to compete with the big players in the market. However, budget constraints are still a problem. They want a quality company logo but are unable to justify the high cost that comes with it. This is where Tailor Brands come to the rescue.

With the help of powerful AI, Tailor Brands is able to offer highly affordable branding solutions. They provide logo creation, social media banners, professional presentation slides, as well as other branding services. And they do it all affordably. As a matter of fact, a business can get a variety of branding services for less than $100.




2. Quality That’s on Par with Premium Studios

The proprietary AI algorithm used by Tailor Brands isn’t just a cheap branding solution. It’s actually highly advanced. And it is capable of creating logo designs that are comparable to those of the premium studios.

No longer do you need to pay thousands of dollars for professional branding services. You can get designs that are highly professional and modern for far less. That’s exactly what small businesses are looking for, and that’s what they get from the Tailor Brands studio.


3. Ideas That Just “Click”

Tailor Brands’ logo design tool learns what you are looking for by asking a few basic questions regarding the design itself, such as the patterns, colors, and themes you prefer.

Then it applies this information to its database and comes up with a selection of logos that fit your criteria. It filters this list so that in the end only the crème da le crème are left. These are the designs that you yourself described, and thus you are bound to be happy with them.



4. Logos and More

Most small businesses are only able to go as far in their branding efforts as to get a good company logo. However, Tailor Brands allows these companies to think beyond the bare essentials. They offer an entire suite of branding tools. These include a landing page, social media posts and banners, brand analytics, custom presentation slides, and more.

Strong branding is crucial for small businesses. There are just no two ways about it. Tailor Brands emerges as a pocket-friendly and versatile solution that can solve all your business’s branding requirements.

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4 Ways to Build Remarkably Strong Connections with Your Employees

4 Ways to Build Remarkably Strong Connections with Your Employees

If you expect to run a successful business, you probably can’t do it alone. Employees who love the company and want to work hard for its greater good are not only desirable, they’re essential.

The question for you is: Are you building strong, healthy relationships with your employees? Or is it more likely they regard you as just someone they report to?




Four Ways to Strengthen Connections with Employees

Building relationships with employees is vital today in business. Workers, especially if they’re the millennial variety, tend to seek work-life balance. They want job satisfaction and a compelling workplace culture.

However, if you don’t have good relationships with your staff, this can have negative effects in all of these areas. It will make your staff less likely to continue providing value for your company. Therefore, you need to focus on building stronger connections with your employees.

Here are 4 basic tips.


1. Start from Day One

Building strong, healthy relationships that will survive over the long haul entails being present from the beginning. If, as the boss, you don’t introduce yourself to an employee until after he or she has been on-boarded, you’re already behind schedule.

Maybe you don’t have the time to dedicate to reviewing the applications, conducting interviews, and making the final call about hiring. All the same, you should poke your head in and spend a few minutes with every serious candidate. This shows people that you value their presence. It provides something to build on once they’re on the team.


2. Promote Transparency

Hardly anything matters more than trust. One of the primary ways you establish it with your staff is by promoting transparency.

Communication and transparency go together. If you aren’t communicating well with your team, then they’re apt to feel like you could be hiding something or operating behind their back.

Practical ways to promote stronger communication, transparency, and trust include being better about scheduling shifts. Honor time-off requests whenever possible. Take responsibility for mistakes that fall on your shoulders. Additionally, discuss the future of the business in clear and direct terms. In other words, don’t try to avoid discussing layoffs, expansion, evolving leadership roles, and so on.


3. Maintain an Open-Door Policy

“In many respects, small businesses need an open-door policy to be agile, flexible and fluid, to roll with the punches and take advantage of new opportunities when they materialize,” business consultant Mark Evans explains. “A small business needs everyone to contribute, and an open-door policy makes it easier for all employees to get involved without having to deal with bureaucracy or management layers.”

From a practical perspective, an open-door policy makes a lot of sense. But the bonus is that it also empowers employees to feel they have a closer relationship with upper-level management. You should try to institute an open-door policy in your outfit.


4. Share Revenue with Employees

Do you want to show employees that you really care for them as people? Stop viewing them as labor and start to treat them as living, breathing parts of the organization.

One striking way to do this is to tie part of your employees’ wages to the company’s performance via revenue sharing. This might cost you a little more in terms of direct costs. However, the long-term benefit of fostering highly engaged employees will be far more valuable.


People Make the Business

It’s impossible to run a successful business for any period of time without having your employees buy in fully to what you’re doing. That can happen in a variety of ways, but good relationships serve as one of the foundations for strong motivation in the workforce.

Find ways to strengthen your employee relationships and you’ll notice the difference.

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5 Tips to Make Relocating Easier for Your Employees

5 Tips to Make Relocating Easier for Your Employees

When you manage a company that has multiple locations across the country, you might have to make difficult decisions regarding relocating your employees. Nobody wants to uproot a family and ask them to relocate to another city. However, it sometimes is necessary for the good of the business.

How you handle this process will speak volumes about your compassion and care for your employees.




Try These Five Tips

If you’ve ever had to move for work reasons, then you know how challenging the process can be. Psychologically, you have to deal with leaving behind friends and family. Then, you need to settle into a new place. Practically, you face numerous challenges with regard to housing, money, and family responsibilities.

You can’t solve every issue for your workers. And they always have the option to refuse to move, even if that means finding a job with another company instead. However, there are some considerate things you can choose to do that will make the process a little easier for them.


1. Cover Moving Expenses

Moving expenses can really add up. Your employee shouldn’t be expected to cover all the costs when the company is insisting on the shift for its benefit. You’d be smart to cover these expenses as part of a relocation package. Maybe you can’t afford to foot the entire bill. However, you could help out with logistics. This can be a huge time saver, and your employee will appreciate it.


2. Help People Find Housing

“Relocating to a new city, whether for work or personal reasons, is often an anxious time,” notes Green Residential, a Houston-based property management company. “Not only do you have to uproot your family and leave behind friends, jobs, and a community that you’re familiar with, but there’s also the challenge of finding a house.”

The more helpful you make yourself in assisting your employees with finding housing opportunities, the more willing they’re apt to be about having to relocate when you ask them to. There are plenty of ways to help on this front. For example, you can assist with the sale of their existing home. You could offer to pay for Realtor fees and closing costs. Further, you can suggest attractive neighborhoods in the new location where they might find housing. You could even offer to pay for temporary housing for the first few months.


3. Assist with Finding the Spouse a Job

Relocating an employee who is young and single isn’t typically a big deal. However, relocating an employee who has a working spouse can be problematic. If you really want to go above and beyond the call of duty, assist with finding the spouse a job. This will and make the relocation process as simple as possible for your employee and their family. Work your connections and set up interviews and/or job opportunities where you can.


4. Coordinate the Details

The obvious big-picture facets, like the move itself and finding housing, are the most crucial. But dozens of smaller logistical details can make a relocation so much more stressful and time-consuming. If you can help to coordinate more of these details, you will lift a huge burden off your workers’ shoulders.

“The most common problems that new residents encounter typically involve the time-consuming cycle of local registrations like opening up a bank account, applying for a national insurance number, setting up internet, or registering with health providers,” says Brynne Herbert, CEO of MOVE Guides, a professional relocation company. “Provide clear and accurate information on what they will need to register for in their new city.”



5. Give Them Time to Settle In

One of the more inconsiderate things you can do is to expect an employee to move on a weekend and return to work on Monday. Give people a little time to settle in and figure out the personal aspects of relocation. At a bare minimum, you might extend three to five days to give them the opportunity to figure a few things out.


Set Your Employees up to Succeed

From a business perspective, you have a vested interested in helping employees relocate in a quick and relatively painless manner. The easier they can make the shift, the better they’re apt to perform in their workplace.

Keep that in mind the next time you send an employee to a new location.

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The 5 Hidden Costs of Becoming an Entrepreneur

The 5 Hidden Costs of Becoming an Entrepreneur

There are many costs to being an entrepreneur, and some of them are hidden costs.

The SBA estimates the average cost of starting a business to be around $30,000. No matter what type of business you start, you’ll need to invest hours in its creation and development.

These costs alone are enough to intimidate prospective entrepreneurs from ever following through on their ideas. However, they don’t paint the entire picture of entrepreneurship. There are also hidden costs to being the founder and director of your own enterprise. You’ll need to be prepared for them as well.




The Hidden Costs of Entrepreneurship

In addition to investing time and money, you also need to prepare yourself for these hidden costs:

1. Stress

Stress is more than just a temporary feeling of anxiety or frustration. Experiencing stress chronically can result in the development of several physical and mental symptoms, none of which are good for you. Entrepreneurs are frequently the key decision makers of their respective businesses. They work long hours, they face tough challenges, and their future isn’t guaranteed. With little to no time to relieve that stress, entrepreneurs often end up facing bad effects. These can include headaches, fatigue, anxiety, restlessness, irritability, and depression.

2. Sleep Deprivation

Entrepreneurs are also known to develop chronic insomnia, a physical problem with multiple side effects of its own. Some combination of working long hours, staying up late, waking up early, and dealing with significant stress leads entrepreneurs to get far less than the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. This in turn leads to even more stress. Entrepreneurs might have difficulty concentrating, problems with memory, and even physical symptoms like a greater susceptibility to illness.

3. Relationship Burdens

While you’re working 60-hour weeks and spending your free time brainstorming how to solve problems in your business, you won’t have much time for personal relationships. You won’t see your partner as much. Nor will you spend as much time with your kids. To make matters worse, you won’t be as available for social gatherings with friends. This can make your personal relationships suffer, and quickly. The problem gets even worse when the other “hidden costs” of entrepreneurship start to set in, and you realize your support system is no longer available.

4. Loneliness

Loneliness is more common among entrepreneurs than you might expect. As the leader of your organization, you won’t be able to relate to your team on a personal level. You won’t be able to share your fears or worries with them or your business partners. You’ll be working long hours, away from the people and things you love. There won’t be many people who can relate to your plight. Accordingly, most entrepreneurs experience at least some loneliness. For many, that loneliness can lead to apathy and depression.

5. Burnout

Even if you start your business feeling passionate and energetic about your work, there’s a risk you could eventually burn out. Working long hours on anything, even something you genuinely love, can lead to resentment and boredom after enough time has passed. You may wake up dreading the idea of going to work. Perhaps you’ll become frustrated with a lack of progress, or become irritable with any and all obstacles to your success. Eventually, that frustration could force you to leave prematurely or fall into a deep, consuming depression.



How to Mitigate Hidden Costs

You may not be able to reduce your operational costs or your startup costs beyond a certain point. However, the hidden costs of entrepreneurship can almost always be controlled—as long as you’re aware of them and prioritize their management.

Use these strategies to prevent them from taking over your mind and life:

  • Make Time for Yourself

No matter how busy you are, you need to make time for yourself. Set aside time every day to meditate, exercise, or engage in some of your favorite hobbies. It’s the best way to get rid of stress, and will help you stay true to yourself during the course of your entrepreneurship.

  • Prioritize Your Relationships

You also need to prioritize your relationships over your work schedule. Make sure you stay in contact and close to the people you love—even if it means working fewer hours or taking longer to reach your business goals.

  • Recognize the Signs of Stress Proactively

Finally, learn to spot the signs of sleep deprivation, stress, loneliness, and depression as they develop—rather than only reacting to the most extreme symptoms. Try to intervene before it’s too late.

Entrepreneurship is an enriching journey, despite the mental and emotional costs often associated with it. Be prepared for the potential extent of these burdens. That way, you can take the proactive measures necessary to reduce them, or get through them while still working to make your business a success.

Talk to other entrepreneurs who have already been through the process to understand these potential costs in more detail. Then come up with a proactive strategy for how you’re going to handle them in your own life—before you start a business.

The post The 5 Hidden Costs of Becoming an Entrepreneur appeared first on Business Opportunities.


Monday, 27 November 2017

Keep Your Email Campaign Out of the Spam Folders in 4 Easy Steps

Photo credit: Spam with Bacon, by Hormel, at Walmart, by Mike Mozart on Flickr

Keep Your Email Campaign Out of the Spam Folders in 4 Easy Steps

Any new business needs to spend plenty of time and energy on its marketing campaign. That’s just what it takes to get a finger hold in your business’s target segment and start to carve out a share of the market.

Email marketing is an important part of this effort, but it can be fraught with obstacles. The last thing your business needs is to have an email campaign that gets stuck in potential customers’ spam folders.

If that happens, your recipients won’t get the opportunity to read your carefully crafted communication.

Email filters are an essential part of online life. If we didn’t have them, we would be drowning in hundreds of junk messages every day. But from an outreach perspective, it is important to have a basic understanding of how the filters work and what they are looking for.

There is almost no end to the different filters in use. There are the free ones that come as a standard part of Gmail or Hotmail. Then there are the cutting-edge solutions from the likes of These are tailored to practically eliminate false positives.

The accuracy and complexity of the different filters vary. However, follow these 4 steps to substantially improve the number of your messages that arrive safely in your recipients’ inboxes.


1) Go Organic

Purchased lists might seem like an ideal way to get some ready-made contacts. However, they are fraught with risk. If something looks too good to be true, it usually is.

You don’t know what you are buying, for one thing. However, there are certain to be enough dead links and spam traps in there to ensure every spam filter out there will flag your campaigns.

Therefore, avoid purchased lists like the plague. Build up your contact list organically, through good old-fashioned hard work.




2) Choose Your Words Carefully

Here’s the thing. There are no magic words that will specifically help your campaign. However, there are plenty that will harm it.

Spam filters will be looking, among other things, for high-risk trigger words that are popular with spammers. Pay particular attention to what you write in the subject box. That’s because this is the first place the spam filter will be looking.



3) Use a Reliable Service Provider

Filters don’t just look at what is being said. They also pay attention to who is saying it. Some email service providers have a better reputation than others. And if your message is coming from one that sets off alarm bells, you will be at a disadvantage before you even begin.

Choose a provider that bans spammers from its platforms and you stand a far better chance of building a good professional reputation and avoiding your target market’s spam folders.


4) Play Nice

If it feels underhand, that’s probably exactly what it is.

Keep your emails honest. And avoid dirty tricks and campaigns that use deceptive subject headings, fake claims and so on. Any attempt to fool the email filters is doomed to fail. It will ultimately cause damage to your campaign and your reputation that can take a long time to recover from.

Honesty and transparency are the best policies, and will help you sleep better at night, too.

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How to Obtain the Funding You Need Even if You Have Bad Credit

How to Obtain the Funding You Need Even if You Have Bad Credit

As you might already know, bad credit can truly turn your life upside down.

If you’ve been careless with your finances over the years, there is a pretty good chance that you’ve gotten yourself into debt. What’s more, your credit score might have taken a hit, too.

On average, most consumers have a credit score ranging from 300 to 850. The average score hovers around 690. If you have a low credit score, you’ll face difficulties you wouldn’t otherwise have to deal with. For example, you could have trouble securing a job. You’ll have an even tougher time getting a loan. And if you’re trying to start your own business, a lack of funding stemming from bad credit could stop you in your tracks.

The good news is that there are other options out there. Below, we will talk about how you can obtain funding even if you have poor credit.




Review Your Credit Score Often

A lot of Americans do not check their credit scores regularly. As a matter of fact, only about 46 percent of Americans reviewed their credit score or their credit report within the past year.

Believe it or not, you really should check your credit report regularly. There may very well be erroneous information on your report. And if you find errors on your credit report, you can get them fixed fairly easily. Doing so will improve your credit score. But if you don’t check, you might never know about those errors.

This might not get the you all the money you need, but it could ease the way toward getting the loan you’re after.


Use a Home Equity Line of Credit

Depending on the your current situation, you might be able to obtain a loan by using your home.

A home equity line of credit will give you a tax-deductible line of credit with a low interest rate. You’ll be able to spend the funds however you see fit.

Of course, there are some risks involved. If you can’t pay back the debt within a sufficient period of time, your home would be in jeopardy. However, this is an inexpensive option that can work well for you if you take precautions and pay your bills on time.


Consider a Peer-to-Peer Loan

You might be able to take advantage of a peer-to-peer, or P2P, loan. This type of lending has been around since 2005, and it has grown in popularity in recent years.

A peer-to-peer loan takes place primarily online. Basically, you simply borrow money from another individual instead of from an institution.

Interest rates can vary widely, but some P2P loans come with rates as low as 6 percent. Both lender and borrower can benefit from these arrangements. As a matter of fact, some lenders enjoy a return percentage in the double digits.



What About Payday Loans?

Depending on the situation at hand, you might be able to obtain a payday loan, even with bad credit. This type of loan is not a viable option for everyone. However, for many people it is their best option.

Payday loans are primarily designed to help people only for a short period of time. Therefore, if you take out one of these loans, remember that you must pay it back promptly.

While payday loans have received a lot of criticism in recent years, they can be beneficial for some people, especially those with bad credit. However, as long as you move forward cautiously and make your payments on time, you’ll get the benefits without the negatives.


Borrow from Family

Most people know—or are related to—someone who has a little money. If this is true for you, maybe you could borrow the money you need from your loved ones.

This is definitely a great option, since most family members will happily provide a relative with a loan without imposing hefty interest rates. In fact, some will be happy to give a loan without imposing any interest whatsoever.

Therefore, if you need extra funding for your fledgling business or some other worthy cause, you should definitely consult with a relative first, before you try to obtain a loan from a lending institution.

The post How to Obtain the Funding You Need Even if You Have Bad Credit appeared first on Business Opportunities.


Linear Actuators: What Are They? And Who Uses Them?

Linear Actuators: What Are They? And Who Uses Them?

A linear actuator is a powerful device. It converts various types of motions into linear motion. Several industries use linear actuators, and they are heavily in demand due to their benefits.

They help industries save costs by helping reduce the energy and time it takes to complete a job. This improves these industries’ profit margins, which is why they are so much in demand.

Read on to learn about 7 industries that use linear actuators.


1. Medical Industry

The medical industry uses linear actuators in multiple ways. The most common example you’ll see in the medical industry is in hospital beds.

Almost all hospitals beds are adjustable because of linear actuators that are installed at the bottom of the beds. When you rotate the lever clockwise or counter-clockwise, the linear actuator increases or decreases the bed’s height.

Other appliances that are used in the medical industry, such as dental chairs, gynecological tables, patient stretchers, and so on, also depend on linear actuators for their proper operation.


2. Smart Gadgets

Have you ever wondered how your smartphone, joystick or tablet is able to produce vibrations? It’s because of a mini linear actuator installed inside them.

They are programmed to vibrate when you enable the vibration system.


3. Automobiles

There are hundreds of actuators installed in a car. They help us to perform different tasks, such as accelerate the car, apply the brakes, steer the wheels, and roll the windows up or down.

Actuators also control the side mirrors and the wipers. They even make it possible for us to adjust the car seats precisely so that they’re comfortable for passengers and driver alike.

And if you like to use cruise control when you’re driving long distances, you can thank a linear actuator for making that possible.

A car won’t be able to move if there’s no linear actuator inside it or if its actuators are not working properly.




4. Robots

The most common type of robot that you surely have seen is the robotic vacuum cleaner.

It is able to move its legs and arms in various directions because of the presence of actuators.

All in all, almost every robot that requires movement comes with an actuator.


5. Agriculture

There are many different kinds of agricultural machines. For example, there are seeding machines, bunkers, various types of harvesters, and fertilizer spreaders that use actuators.

Actuators help improve acceleration and allow these different types of equipment to perform a variety of tasks. Where once only human beings could perform these operations, now machines can do them. This in turns improves results and gives farmers higher profits.


6. Manufacturing

According to many reports, the manufacturing sector uses more actuators than any other industry. If you think about it, this just makes sense, as the manufacturing industry is massive and it uses lots of machinery.

Forklifts, automatic ramps, many other kinds of equipment and vehicles all move and lift due to linear actuators. Without them, the manufacturing process would be time- and energy-consuming. Manufacturers would require manual labor—and lots of it—to do the same things.


7. Marine Industry

The marine industry also uses linear actuators. For example, valves control the flow of water, and those valves operate due to linear actuators. As a matter of fact, modern submarines wouldn’t be possible without them.




There are 3 basic types of linear actuators. One type is based on a screw-type action. Another is a hydraulic or pneumatic actuator. And yet a third depends on a vacuum system for its operation.

Linear actuators make lifting and moving easy, because they convert various motions into linear motions. Industries depend on them to get the job done. And the rest of us depend on them for many of the operations we take for granted in our daily lives.

The post Linear Actuators: What Are They? And Who Uses Them? appeared first on Business Opportunities.


Sunday, 26 November 2017

4 Hacks for Entrepreneurs Entering International Markets

4 Hacks for Entrepreneurs Entering International Markets

The evolution of technology means that small- and medium-sized businesses can now compete with larger organizations in international markets.

Moreover, recent data from OECD (the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) shows that 9 of 14 member nations have business creation trending upward. This is encouraging news for new entrepreneurs.

But there are a few precautionary measures a small or startup business should take before plunging into overseas adventures. Here are 4 hacks for entrepreneurs entering global markets.




SWOT Analysis

Performing a SWOT analysis helps any business analyze it Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Whether you’re entering a new market, launching a product or at almost any operational crossroad, a SWOT analysis can help you to make sound decisions.

If your plan is to introduce an existing product range to a different market, for example, you’ll likely have already carried out this exercise when you entered your original arena. In the new market, some of your internal strengths could translate well. However, the external environment in a new market could force you to adapt in a number of ways.

This is a vital exercise that allows you to weigh the odds of success before taking a calculated risk.



Cross-border e-commerce could be worth $627 billion by 2022. There are definitely opportunities for small businesses to cut themselves a considerable slice of the cake.

But doing business abroad relies on having a website that’s optimized and visible in each operational market. It should also have e-commerce features that make online sales smooth and simple.

Good e-commerce platforms automate currency exchange and transactions so that customers can buy your products quickly and efficiently from anywhere in the world.

Boosting your digital presence and incorporating e-commerce is essential if you’re serious about making a mark internationally.


Staff Payroll

You might want to consider whether offshore company solutions could ease the transition for your company. For example, such an arrangement could allow you to register your organization in a jurisdiction that allows you to pay competitive tax rates. Naturally, this would maximize your profitability.

Additionally, it would be wise to advise any staff who are relocating to new territories to open offshore bank accounts.

That’s because international data sharing legislation has boosted the administrative costs associated with allowing foreign nationals to open local bank accounts. This makes the exercise expensive for banks.

But if your staff members have an offshore facility they’ll be confident they will be paid on time every time, no matter where they work.


Legal Issues

Whether you have a physical footprint in overseas markets or you operate completely online, you’ll still be expected to comply with local business law.

Be aware of international legal issues concerning company and employment laws. Know your responsibilities with regard to transparency and compliance. Additionally, keep up with your tax responsibilities. All of these factors can help you avoid ending up in court or facing punitive fines.

Engaging the services of an experienced local solicitor in each sector is the ideal way of sifting through these factors. This will ensure that everything’s shipshape prior to your launch.

After you’re operational, keep a close eye on any changes in local regulations that might require you to adapt further.




These hacks for entering international markets will help you do business across borders safely and profitably.

What advice do you have for small businesses breaking into international markets? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

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5 Crazy Business Ideas That Can Teach You a Thing or Two

5 Crazy Business Ideas That Can Teach You a Thing or Two

Are you sick of a world filled with boring business ideas? Do you long for the oddball, the eccentric, the downright left-of-center? Are you convinced that only truly unique business ideas can make it to the forefront of the marketplace?

Then you’re in the right place.

In this list, we’re going to share some of our favorite business ideas. They might seem out of the ordinary, but they could give you an idea for your next entrepreneurial venture.


1. Hangover Helpers

You know the feeling. You had one too many brewskies the night before. Now your head feels as though someone is hitting it continuously with a sledgehammer. Specifically, someone named Thor.

You might consider it a consequence worth suffering if you had a good night. However, one business venture is committed to making sure you don’t have to brave it alone.

The Hangover Helpers will provide you with a cooked breakfast in the morning. In addition, they will clean your entire apartment of the remnants of the night’s revels.

You’ll still have a headache, but at least you won’t have to clear away any beer bottles.

What can this business teach us? That novelty can pay off in spades.


2. The Mat Factory

You probably don’t appreciate your doormat as much as you should. It’s your home’s front-line defense against having dirt traipsed through it at every opportunity. And do you thank it? Probably not.

But The Mat Factory is a company on a mission to help you appreciate mats. Whether you’re considering purchasing outdoor mats, bath mats or any other kind of mat, this is your one-stop shop. What’s more, The Mat Factory will even personalize your mat for you.

What can this business teach us? That even an everyday household item can have a unique selling point.




3. I Want to Draw a Cat for You

The kind of idea that could only exist on the Internet, I Want to Draw a Cat For You pretty much did what the name says.

Feline enthusiast Steve Gadlin enjoyed hand drawing pictures of cats, posting them online and selling them to people across the globe.

He would rustle you up a fat cat, a thin cat, a sleeping cat. You get the idea.

And did this business venture work? Well, before it closed its doors, Steve sold 18,794 pictures at a profit of $9.23 each. Sounds like a success to us!

What can this business teach us? People are happy to shell out for a niche product if they feel entertained.


4. Pet Rock

The Pet Rock is a classic among weird business idea aficionados.

And it’s as simple as it sounds. You can buy a rock and keep it as a pet.

Gary Dahl came up with this idea in 1975, and has made a cool $15 million since.

This might seem sillier than Billy Bass or Furbies, but it certainly worked.

What can this business teach us? Even the most outrageous ideas can sell if you market them properly.


5. The Anger Room

A business idea so strange that it’s been featured on numerous television shows, Anger Room is like the best therapy session you’ve ever had.

This is a company that will rent you a room that is equipped with furniture and office equipment that you can destroy with a variety of weaponry. So picture your boss and batter that office desk into a million pieces!

What can this business teach us? That a lot of people need a fun and safe outlet for their aggressive and angry feelings.



Can You Think of More?

So that’s our list. Can you think of any other strange ideas for businesses? Then please share them with us in the comments below.

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Investing Made Easy: 4 Things Successful Forex Traders Do

Investing Made Easy: 4 Things Successful Forex Traders Do

Making money is something that most people are passionate about. This is especially true for entrepreneurs who need to raise capital for their fledgling operations. However, with all of the different ways to make a dollar, finding the right method to fit your needs might not be easy. Take investing in foreign exchange markets, or forex, for instance.

For years, people have entered the world of forex trading for a number of reasons. This type of trading is fairly straightforward. It can garner a person a large return if they follow a few rules. For example, utilizing the power of things like MetaTrader 4 is a great way for new traders to get a leg up on the competition.

Without a great deal of research and hard work, though, success in the world of trading would be nearly impossible. The following are just some of the things that the most successful forex traders do.


1. Proper Preparation Is Essential

The main thing that successful forex traders do is prepare before investing any of their money. Diving into this type of trading without proper preparation will usually lead to a variety of problems in the long run.

The first decision you have to make as a trader is whether you want to invest based on the daily or the weekly charts. If you are more interested in seeing nearly immediate results with the currencies you are investing in, then the daily charts are probably your best bet.

Many new forex traders lack the patience needed for long-term investments. As you get more experience under your belt, however, you will be able to experiment a bit more with the various types of forex trades that are available to you.


2. The Right Attitude Will Go a Long Way

The most successful forex traders out there go into this type of investing with a positive attitude. Also, if you lack the confidence to make a trade on the forex market, you could lose money due to your uncertainty.

Not every investment will be a winner, though, even for the best traders. You need to learn to embrace your losses and learn from them.

You’ll also need to learn patience. That’s because if you cash your trades out too early, you will lose a lot of money. Over time, you will be able to develop a good sense of timing. One of the best ways to do this is to work with a more experienced forex trader. An experienced trader will help you to get some insight regarding when to sell and when to stay in for a bit longer.




3. Know When to Avoid a Trade

Trying to invest in every type of currency out there is foolish. If you are unfamiliar with a particular country and their currency, you will need to step back from the table when an investment opportunity arises.

It’s important, for instance, to understand the socioeconomic climate in a particular country. Otherwise, you’ll have a difficult time figuring out whether their currency is going to rise or fall in value. Therefore, you will need to become accustomed to reading the daily news. You will want to understand the changes that are happening within a country before investing in their currency. With this type of information, you will find it much easier to avoid bad investments.



4. You Can Never Have Too Much Information

A successful forex trader realizes that there are always new things they can learn about this type of trading. When you start to rest on your laurels you may well see your investments start to tank.

Taking advantage of things like a free forex seminar is a great way to learn more about this type of investing. Taking these seminars can be a bit time-consuming. However, they are well worth the effort considering the helpful information they can give you.

Just remember that if you are new to the world of forex trading, the best thing you can do is seek out advice from more experienced traders.

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Why Your Business Needs PVC Banners

Why Your Business Needs PVC Banners

If your business is in a place where you have a good volume of passersby, then one or more PVC banners could be worth their weight in gold.

For a small initial outlay, you could be exposing your services or promotions to very large numbers of people for a relatively inexpensive price. To learn more, read on.


What About Advertising in a Local Magazine?

To give you an idea of what we mean, consider the typical cost for a quarter-page magazine advertisement. Typically, that will cost you anywhere from £150 to £350 per insertion. That’s for a magazine with a readership of 6,000-12,000 people.

The downside, though, is that magazine readers are bombarded with information. It can be next to impossible for your ad to gain the attention of even a few of those readers. That’s because it’s down to the individual reader what catches their eye and what they decide to look at.

That’s not to say that magazine advertising doesn’t work incredibly well for some businesses. However, it does take time for momentum from magazine ads to build. You’ll probably find that you need to do several insertions. And remember, each of those insertions comes with a hefty cost. What’s more, it could be a while before you start to see a steady return.




How Does That Compare with the Cost of a Banner?

On the other hand, a PVC banner is much more cost-effective. With a single shot, you have the potential of reaching large numbers of people within your target audience. It’s a no brainer, really.

Keep in mind that with PVC banners, location is key. However, with the proper placement, you could reach high numbers of people in your target market for a very low cost.

For example, 8-foot by 3-foot printed banners from HFE Signs cost only £45 plus VAT.  Plus, when you order 2 or more banners, you’ll get free UK delivery. And the design setup is free as well.


Okay. I’m Listening. Is There More?

A printed banner  is going to last much longer than a week or a even month. In fact, PVC banners can last years! However, we recommend that you change your banner every 3 months for best results. Changing things up keeps people engaged and keeps your advertising efforts from going stale.

PVC banners are a tried and tested form of advertising. They are used by countless businesses and organizations to promote a huge range of activities, deals and promotions. What’s more, outdoor advertising works incredibly well in general. That’s because the reader is not as distracted as they might be indoors, especially in an office environment. Considering that you have the potential to reach out to a mass audience for a very small investment it’s certainly worth a try.


What If My Budget Is Really Tight?

If it’s cheap banners you’re looking for, HFE has a product they call the “Mono Banner.”

To find an example, use the drop-down selection box on the HFE website. Mono banners are pretty simple. They consist of black text printed onto a white banner. The quality is exactly the same as a full-color banner, but the price is 30% less.



What About Artwork and Design?

Design and artwork can be a stumbling block for some businesses. Luckily, HFE has a team at hand waiting to do the legwork for you. Furthermore, this service is free of charge. Simply let the HFE team know your requirements and give them an idea of the design you have in mind. Then, one of their team members will work their magic while you get on with the business of running your company.

If you’re still not convinced, read HFE’s excellent TrustPilot reviews, with 5-star reviews from more than 2,000 happy customers.

The folks at HFE Signs have been printing banners since 1996. They are considered the UK’s number-one supplier for mail order printed signs and banners. That’s why you should keep an eye on the HFE home page. There you will find a new monthly offer on the first day of every month.

The post Why Your Business Needs PVC Banners appeared first on Business Opportunities.


What Your Business Needs to Create Quality Content

What Your Business Needs to Create Quality Content

Every small business needs a healthy online presence with plenty of quality content if it ever hopes to be successful.

The digital network is a wide and far-reaching potential clientele base. As such, it holds vast opportunities for a budding business. Therefore, an active social media presence and a generally identifiable online presence are crucial to your business’s growth. And the sooner you capitalize on that, the more traction your business will have.

While social media is an important aspect of a business’s online presence, it is too often the major focus. This leaves other important avenues such as blogs and websites to suffer.

The key is striking a balance between all the platforms on which your business is available. Of course you need social media. It makes connecting with customers faster and easier, creating interest in your business. However, a thriving blog or website is essential to deepening those connections. With quality content on your website or blog you further educate your customers about your business.

Driving traffic to your website or blog requires a steady stream of quality content. That’s because you want not only to appeal to your audience but also to educate and inspire them. To that end, here are a few tips for quality content creation for your website or blog:


1. Relevance

The content you choose to publish should be relevant to your business and your industry. It is even more important, however, that it be relevant to your customers. In this way, you give yourself the opportunity to give trusted expert advice. This will allow you to better connect with your audience as the professional you are.




2. Variety

Content is an all-encompassing word that covers a wide array of consumable media. From written content to pictures, videos, infographics, and more, variety of content is important. By producing a variety of quality content, you increase the likelihood of engaging your audience and driving reliable traffic to your website or blog.


3. Tone

Your approach to presenting your content is also important. That’s because the association your customers have with your brand depends on your presentation of your business. Moreover, your presentation depends largely on the tone of your content.

Therefore, the tone of your content will ultimately depend on your vision for your business. For example, if your goal is for your customers to view you as reliable and trustworthy, a knowledgeable and professional tone is best. On the other hand, a light and casual tone is key for a business that values close and personal interactions with their clients.



4. Quality

High quality content is better than a large quantity of content any day. However, the writing of quality content requires well honed writing skills, creativity, and innovation. These qualities will engage your audience and set you apart from your competitors.


5. Consistency

A consistent output of quality content is the driving force behind repeat customers and recurring traffic to your website or blog. With a consistent flow of quality content, your audience will know that they always have something to look forward to on your website or blog.



The goal of quality content creation is to generate useful information that is guaranteed to engage your audience. Only a high level of linguistic prowess and verbal dexterity will properly supply you with content that accurately represents your brand.

If you’re unsure about the type of content your business needs, or how to create it, get content for your website or blog from professionals who understand and appreciate the art of content creation.

The post What Your Business Needs to Create Quality Content appeared first on Business Opportunities.


Motor Insurance in India: How to Find It and Buy It at the Best Price

Motor Insurance in India: How to Find It and Buy It at the Best Price

In India, as in many other places in the world, driving is a luxury. But if you’re going to own a vehicle and drive there, motor insurance is an absolute necessity, both legally and otherwise.

What’s more, if you require the use of motor vehicles to run your business, then surely you think of motor insurance as simply another cost of doing business.

It is a simple thing to purchase a car in India, and many people can afford more than one vehicle. More vehicles are on the road with every passing day, as people realize that owning a car gives them freedom from the hassles of public transportation.

On the other hand, driving does have its perils. On a daily basis, newspapers are full of stories about road accidents, rule-breaking, and reckless drivers. Given all these factors, it just makes sense to shop around for a good motor insurance policy.


Motor insurance is basically an insurance policy that covers both vehicle and owner  against financial loss due to accident, damage or theft. You can also obtain motor insurance to cover damage to third parties and their property as well.

In India, the law requires all drivers to carry motor insurance. Basically, motor insurance is available as car insurance, two-wheeler insurance and commercial vehicle insurance.




Types of Motor Insurance in India

There are 3 types of motor insurance in India:


Car Insurance

Car insurance is the fastest growing sector of the insurance industry. That’s because the law requires drivers to purchase car insurance while they are shopping for a new car. Nowadays, reputable insurance companies work with car manufacturers to offer quick insurance coverage to customers.

Under a car insurance plan, you get coverage against damage caused by accidents, fire, riots, lightning, hurricane, earthquake, explosion, terrorist attack, theft, and third party claims, as well as others. If you’re willing to pay a higher premium, you can also get coverage for damages to electrical or electronic accessories on your car.


Two-Wheeler Insurance

Two-wheeler insurance is another form of motor insurance in India. This insurance, as well as the other categories of motor insurance, is governed by the India Motor Tariff.

Two-wheeler insurance gives coverage against both man-made calamities and natural disasters. In addition, it covers damage to the vehicle while it is in transit by air, road, waterway, inland or rail.

Two-wheeler insurance also offers compulsory personal accident coverage. You can also choose this coverage for passengers. It also covers all legal liabilities due to a third party’s injury or death, or for any damage to property.


Commercial Vehicle Insurance

Commercial vehicle insurance covers trucks, heavy commercial vehicles, buses, multi-utility vehicles, light commercial vehicles, ambulances and agriculture vehicles, among others. Basically, all vehicles that are not being used for personal purposes fall under the category of commercial vehicle.

Premiums for insurance on commercial vehicles depend upon the model of the vehicle, the registration city, the year vehicle was manufactured, the current showroom price and whether the policyholder is a corporation or an individual.

In India, insurers, in collaboration with vehicle manufacturers, have come up with ways to offer safer and simpler insurance plans. Bajaj Allianz, HSBC India, ICICI Lombard, New India Assurance and United India Insurance are some of the best insurance companies for commercial vehicles in India.


How You Can Buy Motor Insurance at the Best Price

Finding the best motor insurance begins with finding reliable and competitive quotes. This is easy to do with the help of a trustworthy online insurance web aggregator. In only a few minutes you will get numerous quotes that will help you to choose the best one for you.

Check features, premiums, benefits and exclusions easily on a single page. Then compare quotes to get the best vehicle insurance plan.


Motor insurance is required by law, and you have to buy it when you purchase your vehicle. This is true whether you’re buying a car, a two-wheeler, or a commercial vehicle. However, if you buy it online you will save both money and time.


About the Author

Shehnaz Ali has been working with writing-challenged clients for more than 3 years, providing both ghost writing and editing services. Her educational background in mass communication gives her a broad base from which to approach many topics. She specially enjoys writing articles around insurance and finance.

The post Motor Insurance in India: How to Find It and Buy It at the Best Price appeared first on Business Opportunities.
